We tested at 10 weeks NIPT and the results came back girl. Had my 20 week ultrasound and results show boy?!! Full on shower with a truckload of pink, and they found out about two weeks before he was born that he was a boy.". "There is always a disclaimer with ultrasounds that nothing is 100 percent and that there is always the possibility, albeit small, that something was misidentified," Hoskins said. Create an account or log in to participate. There they told us it was a girl. All kids are embarrassed by their parents, but this story from "scoutyfreeman" is sure to mortify the poor boy for life: "Told girl at anatomy scan (19 weeks). 13 oz at 20 weeks The Bump. I had a ucbaby appt at 20 weeks and the lady said girl and was all look see here's a labia but honsetly, I've seen three u/s before and that one just looked like mashed potatoes. 3 Flip Flop. with my first my doctor did a quick check at 18 weeks and said she not sure but she can't see any boy parts told me to wait till 20 week ultrasound anyway we got excited thinking it was a girl for 2 weeks and found out boy at 20 . I wondered if the test could be wrong as even me and DH thought it looked like a boy on ultrasound, I'm aware they can look similar this early but it was . I was right! When October came, "she" really was a "he" and it was a huge surprise! Perhaps your OB wrote it down wrong. The couple asked Linda Monday-Jones to change the babys diaper and her reaction when she realizes it's a boy is priceless. We talked about that sweet little profile, the cheeks, etc. Ask Your Question Fast! SHOPPING SHIFT. We have an 18 month old girl and both wanted a boy. What did you see? It's hard enough to get a refund a month after a purchase, but there's definitely no returning anything once it's embroidered. It kinda happen with my first, I weary in for an early scan and was told I was having a girl but then when I went in for my 20wk scan it was clear as day I was having a boy!! 20062023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Quick on their feet, they named the new baby "Bentley" and decided to surprise the grandparents by asking Nana to change the diaper. A few of them did the clinical version. When I was pregnant with DS we only had the 20 week ultrasound. What does your gut say. My son is now 7! She's DEFINITELY a girl", I lost it. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I still get a feeling sometimes its a boy. Also it is pretty depressing when for that long we focused and planned on a girl. Ultrasound tech who, according to the Dr. is NEVER wrong, said 'Add me to team pink!'". I thought a boy result was the iffy one as its possible to have come in contact with male dna when doing the finger pricks. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. This can make getting the wrong gender prediction double the headache, as evidenced by "Elena", whose main request had been that everything be pink: "Yes it's true that they can be wrong. lol..truth is it does happen and could happen to anyone. I wasn't super nervous about the accuracy because they are more accurate with girl results . All my family thinks Im having a boy because of the NIPT test! Hi! First let me say EVERYTHING IS WRONG! My friend was told she was having a boy, she had a name and everything. The test I did was Sneak Peek clinical. You can do sneak peek as early as 8 weeks but I waited until 10 weeks. I know I was! Hi, I had an Iona test at 14 weeks the sonographer told me it was a boy and then sent my bloods off, results came back low risk and also that the baby was not a boy but a GIRL!! My daughters looked like 3 lines l l l <<<< and we was worried shed be a boy so had a 3d scan. Throughout her pregnancy, the new mommy had been expecting a beautiful baby girl, only to deliver a beautiful babyboy! The tech will tell me if I wanted to know (which I did) but the measurements and pics sent to my midwife is the important stuff - the heart, spine, kidneys, etc. Definitely looks like a girl doesn't look like a questionable ultrasound guess, but NIPT is supposed to be more accurate. Then at my anatomy scan at 20 weeks, done at the hospital, we were told girl. Fingers crossed for bubs sake, we're having a girl! In truth, ultrasounds have an accuracy rate of 90-95%, with some studies even putting forward a 98% accuracy rate. I found out on my 34 week 3D ultrasound that he was a boy. I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound at 26 weeks and I will ask the tech to show me again. . Ive had all of mine correct at their 20 week scan :) By 20 weeks you are more likely to see boy parts quite clearly. We wanted to find out the sex of the baby, but we didn't want the technician to announce it unceremoniously in the ultrasound room. Stories of wrong ultrasounds are plentiful on baby boards, but it's this shocking tale that's truly unique. But ive got a friend who decided to find out the sex of the baby at 20 sk scan, it was her fourth baby, never found out the sex with previous three. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Ring and string said boy (twice!). Tech said "they told you it was a girl, right?". Getting the gender wrong eight times in one week surely must be some kind of a record, but as it turns out, Amy was right to trust her gut feeling! Jes Jackson, an Australian birth photographer, snapped this incredibly candid picture of Koto Nakamura. Intuition said boy. I'm a pretty good secret-keeper but keeping a secret as big as this one during the entire pregnancy? Lost. When I was pregnant with DS we only had the 20 week ultrasound. They have a 2-year-old daughter, Peyton, who has Diamond Blackfan Anemia, a rare bone marrow disorder. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. I can still remember the excitement I felt as I lay on the bed with goo all over my just-about-to-pop pregnant belly at my 20-week ultrasound. She definitely had a daughter now! Lol. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. My husbands cousin was told she was having a girl at the 20 week ultrasound, painted the nursery pink, and had a name picked out. All my pregnancy symptoms point to a boy and me and my husband were always so sure it was a boy. These are unavoidable as someone somewhere is bound to bring one of them up. We were told boy at 16 weeks and then girl at 20 we didn't mind either way but I understand the shock you are feeling every picture you had painted in your mind has now changed! Fantastic news that bub is healthy and that your GD is under control. Ask for FREE. Did you end up having boy or girl? Packing a hospital bag is hard enough, but for Sophie's friend, the task ended up being a complete disaster when she gave birth to a baby boy, instead of the much-planned for baby girl: "They can be wrong---A girlfriend of mine had seen 2 different doctors with 2 different ultrasounds stating she was having a girl and she had a pink baby shower, called the tummy by the name she had chosen and when she delivered it was a boy!! In May 2013 we went to my 20-week ultrasound. Has this happened to anyone else before? Kyle and Danielle Williams of Belleville, Michigan, were shocked themselves when the newborn they were told would be their second daughter turned out to be their first son. I was relieved because I knew it was finally right. From the 15 Good Reasons New Parents Should Be Terrified, all the way to the 14 Things Most Parents Forget To Do Before The Baby Arrives, you then also need to worry about old wives tales. She was shocked (as we all were) and even had to buy something from a nearby store for him to wear home, as it didn't seem fitting for him to wear that pretty dress home!!". Much to everyone's bewilderment, she was holding a beautiful bundle of pink when they came to visit her in the hospital. So I did find out through the report after the radiologist wrote it. When the ultrasound is done after 18 weeks, there is a very high accuracy rate, which ranges from 80 to 99 percent. Take the time toabsorb that one for a second. I have since had 5 more ultrasounds and they have . She said boy. . I have heard of it happening before, but not recently. Anyway she was told at 20 wk scan its a girl. How early the gender screening is performed, the baby's cooperation, and the expertise of the tech are all tremendously important. All rights reserved. Sources: Reddit.com, WhatToExpect.com, CircleofMoms.com, BabyCenter.com, Today.com, Momfessionals.com, RookieMoms.com. Kyle Williams, who had been up for 24 hours during his wife's labor, still remembers the moment he first saw the baby as he looked over the drapes. One week before we are to deliver we had another one just to see how big the baby was and a new ultrasound tech said that we are having a boy. Up to 10 women out of 100 will get told that they're having a certain gender, only to have a kind of jack-in-the-box surprise at the end. All rights reserved. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. Pic clearly looked like a boy and 20 week scan was clearly a girl. It is harder to tell for certain a girl 100% than a boy. I wouldn't even ask at 14. This just happened to me. I am part of the other 5%. then at anatomy u/s at 20 weeks . At this stage, the angle of the genital tubercle can be accurately identified, making it easier to tell the baby's gender. Its worth it! um almost 13 weeks and at my 11 week scan they were certain it looked like a boy, I received my harmony test result yesterday and lo and behold they said girl. According to this theory, a fetal heart rate above 140 beats per minute (BPM) is likely to be a girl, while a heart rate under that threshold would indicate a boy. Eileen's story serves as a great reminder that sometimes mothers "just know": "OMG. My Baby Gave His Heart to Another Child in Need. Have gd so had to have scan at 32 weeks. I didn't find out until I was around 30 weeks with my daughter, because she just wouldn't show anything. The couple wasnt hoping for any specific gender, just a healthy baby, Kyle said. I know the chances are slim to none. During the ultrasound, these shy babies would have their legs crossed or be positioned in such a way that would lead the technician to call out the wrong gender. We were also told that we would be having a girl. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. The US at 19 weeks said girl. And the tech that was wrong got all huffy when I asked if he was surehe was like 'I am a lifetime career sonography and have NEVER been wrong'. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. After the gender reveal, the picture that the tech used to identify girl parts was NOT clear at all so I researched what girl parts look like on an ultrasound and when I went back at 22 weeks, I had the tech show me again and it looked just like a girl with the three lines. One of the reasons I was hoping to get a 3D scan was to have that as another way to confirm either way. My baby girl is in the 5%, weighing 12 oz at 21 weeks and measuring a little over a week behind. The absence of the above signs doesn't necessarily guarantee the baby is female. An ultrasound at this gestational age will help confirm your due date, and it is part of the early risk assessment testing (ERA) for a chromosomal abnormality, such as Down syndrome. It's a girl! Do you happen to have the ultrasound pic when they told you girl? So at 16 weeks this mistake can be and was made!!! Not sure if that is everywhere. Thank goodness this mommy learned from her first experience- besides gender neutral colors are just as adorable on any baby! In case you missed it, boy babies being like fountains when uncovered can be found in the 15 Biggest Mistakes When Changing and Feeding Baby. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). To my cousin!, the baby was a girl till the 8 month, then It was a boy!! Im literally going crazy. Getting everything ready for baby's arrival is hard enough. Jan. 29, 2013, 6:48 AM PST. Posted 19/1/16. OMG! We clearly saw three lines indicating girl and there was nothing dangling. We were in the 22nd week. Age (months) CDC Growth Charts: United States lb 95th 90th 75th 50th 25th 10th 5th 3rd Birth 36 912 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 lb lb 20 26 32 34 38 36 30 28 24 22 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 40 lb 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 22. It's definitely a boy! It said boy..fast forward to yesterday I went in for my 20 week sonogram and the tech asked me if I knew what I was having..I told her boy & she said how accurate is the testing you did because it looks like a girl to me so Im kinda freaking out. The first is simple. She came out a boy! No doubt, you've heard of the time-honored adage that a "mother's intuition is never wrong"? 13/05/2020 14:39. So yeah, your ultrasound tech has probably been doing this for a while so there is a possibility she could be right. While it's not recommended by midwives - the NHS recommends you wait until your second ultrasound between 18 and 21 weeks - many parents say they've used the nub test to make an educated guess earlier. To my surprise it was a boy. If it was just sneak peak the reviews are horrible and I would believe the ultrasound. Ten. They had a later scan to check position and it was a boy. Im going through the same dilemma lol. I havent spoken to my doctor about it yet. I never really saw it and still can't really see it. I knew I shouldn't care, that I should be grateful for a healthy baby. I didn't tell my wife. My midwife wrote it on the req and it was included in the report. Arguably, this new grandmother's reaction is right up there with the 15 of the Best Grandparent Reactions to a Pregnancy Announcement. She and her husband had a name picked out and had painted the nursery for a boy when they found out shortly before giving birth that they actually were having a daughter. It would make me nervous that they made a mistake with your sample. Discussion in 'Baby Club' started by mrs_park, Dec 31, 2014. Arguably, kids are pretty bright these days, but you never know when it might work! The 20-week ultrasound is not an in-and-out appointment, so leave yourself plenty of time. Some expecting parents would think the nub theory is a failure due to the high possibility of receiving an incorrect result. Enlarged echogenic fetal kidneys!!! 26/10/2009 15:48. She just gave birth this past March so it was recent. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is an optional blood test you can do in your first trimester (anytime after week 10) that looks for chromosomal abnormalities in baby, like Down syndrome, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13. Today I had my 20 week scan and the sonographer (didn't know about my NIPT results) announced . I would wait for confirmation at your 20 week scan. It's a small chance but it happened xx First pic 16 week scan 2nd 20 week scan. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. I don't have experience, but my sister was also told girl and she had a little boy! A quick look over the surgical screen and yep, that is a boy. Whether this is an old wives tale we can take to the bank, or just coincidence, I guess we'll never know! It said boy..fast forward to yesterday I went in for my 20 . i had my anatomy scan last week but they couldn't get all the measurements so they had me come back today. This ultrasound makes baby look way more developed than my previous pregnany (got ultrasound done at 22.5 weeks with previous) This happened to me last pregnancy 6 years ago. Most future mommies going in for their gender reveal ultrasound are a ball of nerves. Before I got pregnant, I told myself I didn't care if I had a boy or girl. All rights reserved. So did you actually do the NIPT test in a lab or was this just sneak peek? Oh man, this is really making me think I should go get an elective ultrasound. Let us know what happens . My childs father is 24. Just to make the transition a bit easier, her parents gave her a baby girl doll in the hospital room and named her Charlee, they name they picked out for her sister. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Im going thru the exact same thing! Ask Your Question Fast! When she heard 'it's a girl!' This just happened to me. Do you have the ultrasound pic where they told you girl? Sometimes it can look like a girl but actually just have smaller/swollen boy parts. We had bought a lot of pink outfits but all are in bag with tags and receipts still on them. She was shocked. I have not had this experience, but I do know women who have been surprised at birth or a much later ultrasound (like 36 weeks!). A hilarious moment then ensues as the grandmother discovers that she will now forever need to beware of getting spritzed with a potential fountain when changing the baby's diaper. This 20-week scan, posted by forum user SW2, shows a boy. They dont tell you what the fetal fraction was but it says that your sample met the minimal threshold. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. With proper expertise and equipment, ultrasounds can correctly predict the gender of the baby 95 percent of the time, said Dr. Iffath Hoskins, vice chair of patient safety and quality in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center. "It's a girl!," the sonographer said. When checking the nub theory, the best time to get a scan is between 11 and 13 weeks of gestation. There they told us it was a girl. Mthomas, go for 3D :) I got to see his junk up close. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Nope, I live in the opposite direction in NL!! It doesnt help that I have had all the old wives tales signs for a boy and none for a girl aside an HR in the 140s. If it's pointed downward, it indicates a girl. Im terribly sorry this has happened to someone else. According to proponents of nub theory, you can crack the code of your baby's sex at a 12-week ultrasound. Mistake happen and its typically girls they get wrong and about 1 in 20 make that mistake. . Its hard to trust without a second yep. I didn't buy anything pink because I just felt like he was a boy. She said she saw "3 lines". At my 20 week ultrasound my tech took all the measurements and then quickly told us we were having a baby girl. Ah ok. I'd be inclined to trust the ultrasound in this case, but NIPT will give you an accurate answer. Anyone else feeling like this? Learn more about. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. This time we weren't going to find out, but DH caved and the ultrasound tech said this ones a girl. We'll see! the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. It evens out our family a little. What's particularly amazing about this video is that it takes some family members a little while to figure it out as mom sits there laughing, holding her new baby girl. Did you see the NIPT results yourself? Community Experts online right now. I am also very interested since at my ultrasounds his legs are mostly crosse and the 3 times they were open the tech said she thinks its a boy then the 2nd tech said she thinks a girl but then sees some bulging and then shes just not sure. Blood test said girl, us said boyit ended up being a boy for them- but who knows! She couldn't really tell either! When second-time mom Nicole King walked into her 20-week ultrasound appointment, she sent a text message to her closest friends: "Think pink . Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. turns out it was a boy. The reason for this is that while it's harder to think that a boy is actually a girl because of the obvious little package between his legs, sometimes boys that are mistaken for girls may have simply been "shy" as some would call it. Anyone been told one gender at 20 week US only to have the opposite? Had a 2nd scan at 28 weeks and asked the sex, was shown a "burger bun" and told a girl! With mine two the were both right. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. My boy's potty shot at 20 weeks was alarmingly clear, even OH and I both knew he was a boy before the midwife said so. It checks on the physical development of the fetus and can detect certain congenital disorders as well as major anatomical abnormalities. In Washington State . I had this strange feeling that they were all wrong and that I was having a boy. I'll try to make it short.pretty much we got into a very dumb argument this morning which is nothing new. Though it's referred to as the 20 week ultrasound, most women have the exam some time between 18 and 21 weeks. The tech was very good and said she wouldn't tell us if she wasn't 100% certain. She had a late ultrasound at 8months, and they found out it was a girl. Apr 20, 2017 at 8:02 AM. I will never ever ever find out the sex of my child before he/she is born again LOL.". The clinical one is when you go to a clinic and they draw your blood into a tube and ship it out. Its the stories of the unlucky few who serve as a great reminder that even though we have made great technological advances in the past century, we still have a long way to go. Intelligender said boy (twice!). She ended up being a girl still tho! This happened to my friend, too. I went for the 3d just to be sure. Both a boy and a girl fetus have this fluid-filled space. popping in from another group- I was told they don't include gender info on the report. NIPT would be in a lab and that I am assuming would be accurate. Subsequent ultrasounds from other doctors were either "not completely sure" (20-28 weeks) or "girl" (after 32 weeks). But I had a harmony and that was right. The family has set up a webpage to tell her story and bring awareness about DBA. Ooooof. I wont have another ultrasound until 36 weeks!!!! IE 11 is not supported. Kyle and Danielle Williams of Belleville, Michigan, were shocked themselves when the newborn they were told would be their second daughter turned out to be their first son. 20052023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. My only worry is if we werre to have a boy, we went a tad overboard with pink. 1. Ever happen to you or anyone you know??? So I'm thinking that the 'boy' prediction at the 20 week scan is probably most accurate. Everybody makes mistakes. The good news is the shock fades fast :) A lot of people like to say it doesn't happen much these days but I think that is just to reassure themselves it won't happen to them! When I asked how certain she was, she said she was pretty sure, but that didn't give me much confidence. My first thought was 'Very funny doc'. We were both pretty devastated. Regional anesthesia for hysteroscopy experiences please, Symptmes de grossesse ne jamais ignorer, Moyens naturels pour dclencher l'accouchement. We too had a shower and everyone got girl stuff for her. Ever try to argue with any medical professional? Still we are very happy to have the little boy!". You'd think that surely, by 24 weeks, the baby's private parts would be clear enough to determine the gender and yet, the complete opposite happened to "Kristy": "We had 2 ultrasounds - 1 at 18 and 1 at 24 weeks and the tech both times said that it was a girl. Oh, I thought you meant that you had done NIPT! Having already had three kids, all of which were boys, and with the last six grandchildren being born in the family having already been boys as well, this mommy decided to trick everyone into thinking the the newest addition would be another boy. The M.R.I., at Seattle Children's Hospital, confirmed our fears: the organs were pushed up into our boy's chest and not developing properly. If you have ever wondered whether it's possible to be told the wrong gender around the 20-week ultrasound, now you know! 15 Times Ultrasounds Lied About The Baby's Gender, Oh Boy, What A Pretty Dress You Have There. It was so sweet to see his heart, legs, brain, & all of his little. A friend of mine only had 1 gender US and declined all others. 6 Amazon travel essentials for your next getaway, starting at $12. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. The 20 week ultrasound, also known as the anatomy scan, is when a sonographer uses an ultrasound machine to: Check for physical abnormalities in baby. Determine baby's sex. UC baby 120 for gender package. And the vast majority of pregnant women laying in the chair, waiting to find out the gender, will indeed get the correct answer. The ultrasound that had . 38 views, 95 likes, 14 loves, 6 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Brian Christopher Slots: I ABSOLUTELY SLAYED at the CASINO NEW GAMES . Basically, your lucky stars need to align just right for you to not get the wrong result. We are super excited and happy to hear baby is healthy. 13/05/2020 14:13. Chinese calendar said boy. The look of pure happiness on her face was amazing, Kyle said. She kept asking if everyone was serious. Fortunately we had all the clothes from his brother and hadnt redone any rooms. Spoon, knife and pillow said boy. I had a NIPT done at 12 weeks and the gender came back as boy. I really wanted a daughter. While there's no mention of her name, this woman kept a major secret from her family. I left a message with my doctor but she hasnt called me back. During the pregnancy, the happy couple had finally settled on naming their baby girl "Charlee", only to discover during her birth that "she" was actually a "he". Hi girls, so in total shock right now! We tested at 10 weeks NIPT and the results came back girl. when i saw the ultrasound, i saw the 3 lines and it did look like a girl but what do i know? the ultrasound tech said it was a boy, i recently had a boy in feb. and i was much more further along when i found he was a boy. Hi girls, so in total shock right now! We were super shocked at the gender reveal. We asked Dr. Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at . I had the NIPT test done at 12.5 weeks as I had a higher chance of downs so we wanted to be able to prepare if so! 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