Here again we see that there is no contradiction between the synoptic accounts, but only added detail on the part of Matthew as one who viewed the event while it was happening. Wouldnt this contradict his many references to a God in Heaven that sent him? There were a number of languages spoken in first-century Palestine. 19:1127). He already knows all The father wants. The LIE of the SATANIC VERSES fabricated against the Noble Quran!! See books mentioned in the Bible that are not part of todays Bible. [ECC 1:7], Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Languages dont necessarily have equivalent words or phrases to make translating one vocabulary into another a trouble-free endeavor. (By a new convert to Islam), Christianity Contradicts the Bible! What about when one gospel mentions two individuals while another only speaks of one? (a) Thaddaeus (Matthew 10: 1-4; Mark 3:13 -19), (b) Judas son of James is the corresponding name in Lukes gospel (Luke 6:12-16). (Matthew 5:38-39, NIV). Its obvious that the disciples knew Jesus prior to their decision to follow him full time. Biblical Contradiction: Who Is The Judge of Mankind? 22:114; Lk. WebYou may not be surrounded by an army wanting to harm you, but there will be times when you are afraid. Lord, behold, here are two SWORDS. And he said unto them, It is enough. What did Judas do with the blood money he received for betraying Jesus? [CH2 9:25], Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (1 Chronicles 19:18, NIV). Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth; In simple arithmetic terms, if F = G, S = G, and H = G, then it follows that F = S = H, while the second part of the statement suggests that F S H (meaning, not equal). Is he our Creator or not? The authors of the New Testament have conflicts (hostility) with each others. When it comes to the New Testament, there are two criticisms that have been used for years, and often at the same time. (b) Yes. athiesm is not a solution to humanbeing the only solution is submission to the will of the allmighty God (By Karim), Jesus crucifixion and the end of the World. How much clearer can it get than this? [GEN 2:18-19], Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. 15 Clear Chronological Contradictions In The Bible! quotes provided. Such irreconcilable contradictions make Islam untrue, definitely not a perfect revelation from a perfect God. I can give you enough information and evidence that islam is full of mistakes and corruption and even the book Quran. There are no two ways about it. Its thought to be the primary language spoken by most Jews throughout Palestine during this era. A careful reading shows that there is approximately a 30-year difference between the two claims. It also contradicts GOD Almightys verdict about them in the Old Testament. (a) They worshipped him, saying, Truly you are the Son of God (Matthew 14:33), (b) They were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened (Mark 6:51-52). Jesus (peace be upon him), Paul and the Christian Church. $8.26. Examples of doublets include: Are these all examples of cases where gospel writers treated two separate versions of a story or teaching as different events? Is the Bible corrupt? Here are a couple things to think about: 1) Although there is a difference between both witness accounts, they actually agree on many facts. Even by looking at Matthew in isolation, we can see from the text that Jesus did not ride on two animals, but only on the colt. The Holy Scriptures analyzed, or, Extracts from the Bible : showing its contradictions, absurdities and immoralities/by Robert Cooper. please read the contradictions with free mind, if you are a fanatic monk or a priest employed by a church you wont understand it because you dont have the courage to read them. Biblical Contradiction: Signs Of a True Believer According to Jesus? Jesus appeared to them there and told them, stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49). Or that what was quoted wasnt really what was said, but just what the author thought was said when he thought it was said. Furthermore, as we and others have already noted, these variations prove that the Gospel writers were not in collusion (A secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose) nor were they copying from some common document, as the critics charge. Si, your problem is that you are a fanatic, Paul confirms that he has no comand from God or revelation but he is expressing his own Opinion. Was John the Baptist Elijah who was to come? Its thought to be the primary language spoken by most Jews throughout Palestine during this era. dear sir. He accepts this by faith. (a) Because the priests bought it with the blood money (Matthew 27:8), (b) Because of the bloody death of Judas therein (Acts 1:19), (a) The Son of Man cameto give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Get Outlook for Android ________________________________, Well there is the problem of the tombs being opened and the dead coming out to speak to people when Jesus was crucified.And we are to believe an immortal living dead zombie that was his own dad,is mankinds only hope?You worship an immortal zombie,so that you can wash in the zombies blood and become immortal as well.Immortal living dead zombies arent real.Do you understand that?Science has proven it.And that kills your god.You just think that science doesnt apply,so you cannot be reasoned with,because you live in a delusion that makes you unavailable for the truth.A closed is what happens when the sickness of religion,takes over your mind,and forever will it control the truth from ever being considered.When a delsion is favored over reality,you cannot be reasoned with because clearly you are irrational,because you worship a living dead zombie,hoping it will make you immortal.I submit,irrational unreasonable belief,has stopped your mind,from accepting reality.Cear and simple.Peace. When Jesus entered Jerusalem did he cleanse the temple that same day? The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah and His Word, (Be! and he was) which He bestowed on Mary and a spirit created by Him; so believe in Allah and His Messengers. And God said unto Abraham, As for Sara thy wife I bless her, and give thee a son also of her. Is this an innocent error? Dont let anybody received you because Jesus Christ is the Way,the Truth and the Life.If you dont have Jesus Christ you dont have Life.Jesus,I will follow you if I have life or not .Nothing can separate us.according to Romans 8:31-39.thanks. The Romantic Origins of Christianity. Exodus 20:8. Matthew, who was an eyewitness (where as Mark and Luke were quite possibly not) emphasizes the immaturity of the colt, too young to be separated from its mother. Both Matthew and Mark quote the centurion as saying Surely this man was the Son of God! (Matt. Jesus (peace be upon him) represents a common link between the two religions having the most followers on the earth today, Christianity and Islam. please think freely, liberate your mind from the influences of others, open your eyes, have a courage to face the truth, dont hold to your inherited lies. He simply cant answer it! The earliest, a series of notations used by the Jewish settlers in the 5th century BC Elephantine Papyri (described in more detail below) was followed by a system whereby alphabetical letters were used for numbers. He insinuated that God is a liar. Who dont even know if your sin are forgiving? The Bible is corrupt no matter how you try to decorate it. And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. SAY, SHAHAADAHA, LAA ILAAHA ILA ALLAH MUHAMMAD RASULULLAH, the only salvation is that. This further confirms Islams claims. References like study Bibles can help you understand differences like this. How many generations were there from the Babylonian exile until Christ? good point sir, but the question is where is the word of God? that is your personal Opinion, all Christians wont agree with you, they say the KJV contains fabricated verses, check the NIV they ommitted 16 verses that contain in the KING JAMES VERSION. Manchester, [Greater Manchester] : J. Cooper, 1840. The following article is the Most Important Article in this section: Just who were the real authors of the Bible? A more likely scenario, however, is that this is yet another case of scribal error, evidenced commonly with numbers. [] [], Assalamualaikum..I cant access the links they are not working can u plz send them to me jazakallahu khaiiran. He who loves is born of God (I John 4:7). Because is sad how you put your faith in a man who is dead. We dont worspip the Book, we worship our God. Aug. 30, 2011 from Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions: Volume 2. So the Quran is infallible, right? When faced with challenging contradictions: WebWhat's your take on contradictions in the bible? You may unsubscribe from these email communications at any time. Talk to a close friend or your pastor about Scripture that youre struggling with. Both kings and chronicles say ahaziah was 22 years old when he began his reign. (Acts9:7;22: 10). I am proud to be a Moslem. It is all bs.An immortal zombie,that was his own dad,whose mother was a pregnant virgin,gave birth to god?Zombies,the living dead,is worshipped as a god?The relevant conclusion is that mankind is deluding himself.This does mankind no good.RTeligion is the excuse,to hate on people without a reason. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (I John 1:8), (a) Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2), (b) Each man will have to bear his own load (Galatians 6:5). You can find this when Jesus is tempted in the desert. The Bible claims that the Earth is flat and never moves! If you still can not believe this, please look at the following verses in Bible: About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?which means, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?, And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?which means, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?, A person who prayed God like this (I want you to protect me, if you do not will to protect me, your will only should be done, not my will), Can say these words later My God, Why have you forsaken me?. In the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, the corrections have been included in the texts. The death spoken of in Genesis 2:17 is the second death mentioned in our list, that of complete separation from God, while the death mentioned in Genesis 5:5 is the first death, a physical death which ends our present life. 2. The lie of 1 John 5:7 later discovered by the Roman Catholics Theologians. I glorified you on earthby completing the work you gave meto do. On the oter hand the Quran is claimed to be the direct word of God. Sometimes you run into gospel events that arent the same chronologically. Therefore Michael the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death. Thus really what want.more proof to bring in souls into the deen. And they (disbelievers) plotted to kill Isa (Jesus), and Allah plotted too. Some may say that God took the human form and that weak human was terrified, cried and prayed. [GEN 1:20-21], And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. The only thing I can do for every Muslim is to pray for them so God can reveal your self to you. That is, if you do not believe in BIBLE PROPHECY. WebThis book is marvelously illustrated with over 300 color illustrations. (By a new convert to Islam), The Bible says Jesus broke the Law. Idolatry is the worship of a false God. The spiritual separation (and thus spiritual death) is shown visibly in Genesis chapter 3 where Adam was thrown out of the Garden of Eden and away from Gods presence. Thanks. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. But it is possible for you to put Jesus first in your life while still showing respect for your family members and obeying your parents good guidance. By the way, please visit: The Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible. The Bible on Slavery: What the Christian Scholars say. Jesus likely spoke Aramaic. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (2 Kings 2:11). Mike Popovitch helps explain the original Hebrew and Greek before misinterpretations and the whole book is the basis for perfect love. So his chief from 30 years prior would -by that time- have been replaced by a younger warrior. (a) By the sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22), (b) On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). As we look at some of the reasons for the gospels apparent contradictions, understanding the focus of the four gospels will give us a clearer understanding. Bible Problems: Contradictions, Factual Errors, and Evil Moral Teachings in the. The Golden Rule is nothing but a lie in the bible killing of children and non-virgin women, enslaving, maiming of enemies, and so much more! (Genesis 11:12-16) Through their presentation to these audiences, various truths about Jesus and his mission were highlighted: You can get a comprehensive understanding of the gospels unique presentations in What Are the Synoptic Gospels, and Where Did They Come From? The age of 8 is unusually young to assume governmental leadership. We run into the same kind of thing with the gospel writers. He said to Mary Magdelene two days later, I have not yet ascended to the Father (John 20:17). Of the Israelites who were freed from the Babylonian captivity, how many were the children of Pahrath-Moab? AND ALL HANDS WILL BE IN HIS, DEUTERONOMY 31:9 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. that is the only things you guys say when your lies are exposed and you are caught, say whatever you may want to say but it wont change the reality of your errors and contradictions, pornographic x rated contents and scientific errors in the Bible. 6- Other Corruptions and Topics. Contradiction #1: How can it be that in the NT it is written that Jacob went down to Egypt with 75 people while the OT states that Jacob went to Egypt with only 70 people.. Dont just say there are no contradictions in the Bible and leave it at that. Ishmael literally means GOD HEARD, in Hebrew. And they took counsel, and bought with them the potters field, to bury strangers in. you said the verse which says 8 is wrong, who inspired it? Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Golden Rule in the bible?! You have two slightly different viewpoints from two different authors. I find it entertaining that they dont mind adding to verses. The calling of the disciples varies a lot between the gospels: Were these different versions of the same event? (b) No. In it, he is instructing his followers to a different way of living than the one in Exodus. A further system was introduced whereby the spelling out of the numbers in full was prescribed by the guild of so-perim. Who is Enoch? 10:46), Two angels at the tomb (Lk. 14:1321; 15:3239), Matthews two accounts of the healing of a blind men (Matt. Deuteronomy 4:2 clearly declares that the Bible is corrupt! Did the Disciples of Jesus really die for the trinity and/or crucifixion lie? Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun regarding Jesus asking GOD Almighty for forgiveness. WebThe Messiah was dead. Plants Satan did it to destroy David. Rebuttal to the MANY pagan christians who simply say that people should believe on blind faith. Please think about it!! 4. And he smote him that he died. Three months and 10 days is approximately three months. $17.54. Also, 52:35). Showing God in action in and through His people. No word or number was written from memory but each word was carefully checked before he recopied it. Detailed article refuting alleged prophecies in the Old Testament regarding Jesus. The Book of Jeremiah which came approximately 826 years after did indeed confirm this corruption. This example represents the differences you expect to encounter with people describing the same event. (b) He threw all of it into the temple and went away. UCSD Central MICRO F 524 Current Periodical Microform. a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)b) One million, one hundred thousand (2 Chronicles, 21:5). DEUTERONOMY 31: 24 When Moses had finished writing in a book the words of this law from beginning to end, 25 he gave this command to the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD: 26Takethis Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, so that it may remain there as a witness against you. What was the purpose for which the women went to the tomb? I do not sit with men of falsehood, nor do I consort with hypocrites. A listing of 49 contradicting errors in the Bible. Now it could be that Jesus said both of these things at different times, but its also likely that Matthew felt it was extremely important to clearly communicate the spiritual significance of Jesus words. When Paul saw the light he fell to the ground. When you are already blind and believe in something. Jesus did not write Romans, it was written by PAUL, have you ever read his dark biography? Answer: Once again there is enough information in the context of these two passages to tell us that 8 is wrong and 18 right. Muslim jesus loves you and he wants to set you free. Heres what you need to know about it. Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, My Father, if it is possible, may thiscupbe taken from me. Where the word allah comes from? Taken from my Answering Isaiah 53 article. These datas are not relevant to have Information about our god. What About the Contradictions in the Bible? God says it was good after each of his labors, and rests on the seventh day, evidently very satisfied. The synoptic gospels place this event at the end of Jesus ministry (Matt. What does Jesus is the heir really mean? It is certainly true that there are many apparent contradictions. It would have made the entry to Jerusalem easier if the mother donkey were led along down the road, as the foal would naturally follow her, even though he had never before carried a rider and had not yet been trained to follow a roadway. The x-rated Bible by Ben Edward Akerley, published by American atheist press, Austin Texas, 1985. (By Sami Zaatari), Biblical Contradiction: Did Jesus Promise His Generation a Sign? Web3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the backs of fools! The Gospels say that Jesus cursed a fig tree. The second one (Genesis 2), the Yahwist tradition, goes: Earth and heavens (misty) They say who will die for us? Seek God your self and stop believing in none sence. Another solution can be noticed by observing the usage of words in each passage. Is Jesus God Because He Was Called The Lord Of The Sabbath? [SA2 6:23], But the king took the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she bare unto Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth; and the five sons of Michael the daughter of Saul, whom she brought up for Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite: [SA2 21:8]. Looking up different translations of Scripture can help you understand what a passage is really saying. 7:3650). And to him we are Muslims. (Quran 3:84. You follow Muhammad who is dead. Free shipping. To attack Christian. The women told others later. And if Muhammad had made up about Us some [false] sayings, 5- What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why? We have several new converts to Islam from Christian background. Yet just like David, when you are afraid, you can go to God. sir say the SHAHADAH and come to the MOSQUE , save yourself from the dark satanic prison. Explore answers to life's biggest questions. The contradictionists are sloppy and factually wrong. your understanding and knowledge are very poor u r not qwalify to understanding our Real God. Arpachshad lived 438 years. As far as Self-Contradictions goes, it contains about 140 textual inconsistencies, classified under Theological Doctrines, Moral Precepts, Historical Facts, and Speculative Doctrines.. God ( I John 4:7 ) ) plotted to kill Isa ( Jesus ), Christianity the! To the Father ( John 20:17 ) ever read his dark biography Edward,! Seek God your self to you MUHAMMAD RASULULLAH, the only salvation that... The desert I do not sit with men of falsehood, nor do I with. Memory but each word was carefully checked before he recopied it your pastor about Scripture that struggling. Solution can be noticed by observing the usage of words in each passage you do not sit men... With people describing the same event, and rests on the seventh,... Old when he began his reign dont mind adding to VERSES freed from the captivity! 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Apostle Paul Genealogy, Articles OTHER