Don't Lose Your Cool. Had this and it turns out. Im also all for respecting that people respond differently to things so I hope this isnt just me going off my own instincts, but I think banning wearing perfume and colognes in the workplace is acceptable in a way that banning lotion and dryer sheets and bodywash at home just is not. Nasal sprays. Something like jeopardy would trigger a kind of nervousness. There were some pretty extreme suggestions about changes that OP could make to try and address it there too my favorite was keeping your clothes in dry-cleaning bags and dressing in the garage! He's had been a cocaine user. She had her unit say it was me. In those cases, if I have to eat around those people, I spend a LOT of time getting up to use the bathroom, flitting around the room to tidy/wash dishes, and otherwise avoiding and noise-covering as covertly as possible until it ends.). Dude knew he shouldnt smoke and tried to quit repeatedly, and it is not like he didnt take steps to try to mitigate, but having a coworker complain repeatedly about him was mean. You smell something you associate with your Grans house and if you loved her, then its great, but if she was a nasty horrid person and hit you, you might remember that. Negatively challenge your work or attack your work values in the office. We embarked on a months-long quest to find soaps and laundry soap that he liked and that I could tolerate, but you know hes my significant other! If not I would actually quit over this. Plus, it may turn out that many of OPs scent-sensitive strategies are unnecessary, and that they can indeed wear some scented products. Brownie batter? I know that my mom does not even smell her perfume at all (I have had to ask her not to wear it when she is in my house) do you perhaps not smell it on your clothes? Dodging issues, acting oblivious or playing dumb, changing the subject to distract away from the issue, canceling meetings, and avoiding people. I work closely with her, so I immediately apologized and washed it off, and havent worn any of my perfume since. Patchouli is a very specific smell, Im sure youd know if you were using it. I was just wondering how common it is to possibly swallow a About 4 weeks ago, I developed symptoms that resembled bronchitis or some form of viral infection. Has made my life hell for years. I know this reaction is inappropriate! I find it best to be open with people about misphonia, most people dont understand and say "just ignore it" but I just shrug and say "I cant, its called misphonia, look it up, its a real thing". Wash my hands right after, thats not a problem. Yes. Hopefully your boss can accommodate and move her, or you?? I have encountered commenters, here and on Corporette, who fully believe that scent free is the way to be, and that the world would be better if everyone cut scented products out of their lives. Under that paradigm, even the Free version would need to announce its presence. Honestly, if my workplace required that I stop using scents on my body, I would have a big problem with it. Have someone independently walk in and see what they smell where. The coworkers rudeness is the problem. This might be a long shot, particularly since it really just seems like your coworker is being a jerk. Agree. Theres no perfume smell, it smells very natural to me. I thought the dust may be the cause, but I sniff even when I'm back during the summer in Europe playing golf with no dust around. Q: Someone who sits near me (who I don't work with directly) has the most annoying habits. I have had reactions to certain smells, even one flavor of herbal tea, that makes me sneeze and sneeze. Lots of white person wearing patchouli-ish smells in my city. I can tell you, its really hard for me not to come across as rude. Maybe its something as easy as lingering scent in a jacket; if you dont wear the jacket the scent isnt there. Here are eleven behaviors you absolutely do not need to deal with in a coworker: 1. Colleagues If you have a colleague who burps or sniffs excessively, the easiest approach is to tell her you find it offensive or unsanitary and, in the case of loud burping, do not consider it humorous. Maybe you should get your nose checked out!) or tell her to cut it out (X, I stopped wearing that when you originally asked me to. I dont get how it is different than a person who has to use a wheelchair or hearing aids. I found a great hand cream that is lavender scented. Do four things: 1. I dont know if its the food they eat (not curry or garlic) or what, but they smell like Home Country when they visit America. Thats why we strongly associate smells with certain people or happenings: Christmas smells like pine, Thanksgiving smells like pumpkin pie, etc. Hopefully she can get her coworker to stop! Making up a story about how you're going to adjust your perfume doesn't accomplish that either. If I really need to do laundry and my parents invite me over for an evening, I may take some over then, but just enough to tide me over until I have time to do laundry in my own building. She needs a personal air filter, and to leave the OP alone. I bet the letter writer burns incense, which is pervasive and will stick to clothing. Strategies for Dealing with Snitches They lead the meeting after the meeting. For a while I was attending a conference that made that request. I ate a piece of pecan pie on a trip to Australia when I was 19 and then got food poisoning and was sick for days. OP should do what she can to avoid being overly fragrant at work, but she doesnt need to cut anything and everything that smells from her life. Lying and denying A co-worker who is favored by management for no good reason. that are much more reasonable than making an entire office change routines and buy completely new products. They will tackle the situation without compromising your request. In the last few years Ive suddenly become extremely sensitive to eating sounds. (Especially since you cant actually smell it unless you are sniffing my head, and no one at work has any business sniffing my head. At this point, it feels like Im being harassed for fragrances that Im not wearing and I want you to stop., You could also say, If youre suffering from fragrance sensitivity, you should talk to (manager) or HR about what accommodations they can offer. Fine. This will force the co-worker to either repeat his comment in front of everyone with the same level of confrontation, or soften his approach. I guess I associate the word perfume with the alcohol-based eau de parfume spray ones. Thank goodness for this opinion. Has she told others that their scent bothers her? In the end, he just didnt ride down with me, but in the days since then hes retold the story to all our coworkers about how I made him feel bad by saying he smells. I didn't do it to annoy others. Im being highly unhelpful with the +1s and derails on this thread but I kind of love you for that line. I agree that it seems that this person is harassing or bullying her. Your coworkers shoot you irritated looks as you clear your throat (again). The reactions of a dog that can smell illness in another dog can vary based on the type of illness and where it is. But its not just adjustingits spending a fair whack of money on new products, an expense that can be a considerable burden at some income levels. very invasive advice). Thats just how it is. So if the co-worker were to have a genuine allergy to patchouli, say, it wouldnt help. Snarky or not, it does highlight that the problem is the co-workers to solve, not the OPs. Anyway, since then the smell is so offensive to me. Yep. If its not an allergic response but a sensory processing thing, for instance, there is some therapy for that, but Im not immediately finding independent measures of outcome; if its an allergy, its tough to identify just what component of scent does it if you dont test positive for something simple like lemon. Stressful couple of days. Where a light scented spray of perfume or body mist or even deodorant will fade away throughout the day, patchouli oil is there forever. I try to buy products that are unscented or are minimally scented, but sometimes Im surprised at how strong the fragrance is in some products. Remember that those with hidden agendas are . For those who like it and for whom it is normal it is fine. I dont think LW should have to go above and beyond and Feebreeze her office and dryclean her clothes and not take bubble baths on her *own time* and and and and. But Coworker is being a jerk about it, either way. My MIL uses a very nicely scented oil diffuser in her house (several, actually, its a big place) and whenever my husband visits I can always smell it on him and all his clothes, even after a plane flight. Sniffle. I ALWAYS try to sniff and lick sweet girls' shoes. If your friends wear/are around patchouli I doubt they would be able to smell residual fragrance. My bosses and I came up with some unique ways to handle my problem until I finally got a remote job for the same company. You might have to visit both specialists to land on the correct diagnosis. Almost everyone I know who wears that kind of scent is white, and I really hope that OP is, too. Particularly as my wash bag was also missing and I discovered the hard way that the brand of deoderant I use has a slightly different recipe in Spain to the oe it has in the UK. I dont think its reasonable to expect people to completely change their entire lifestyle around outside of work, just to accommodate someone at work. Yes, this. Dr. Shane Russell-Jenkins answered. HR will work on an accommodation & there will be a doctors note provided that actually talks about the fragrance sensitivity. I worked with someone who really didnt like one of our co-workers so she was constantly making mean comments about this person scent and appearance. And if it works properly your nose is one of the most sensitive sense organs you have. Or shes a meanieface whos decided youre a smelly hippie, shes grown to anticipate the smell and shes decided to tease you about your smell even if it isnt there. Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions. Alisons suggested actions make it clear that OP has reached the end of their ability to help and puts it in Coworker and Bosss court. I arrived at an Airbnb on a recent trip and the ENTIRE PLACE absolutely reeked of Glade. Everything could be hated by someone, and yeah, so long as Axe is still allowed, Yep, Im not going to stop using incense and oils at home out of the worry that it might travel with me to work on my clothes, or spend inordinate amounts of time washing my clothes to make sure theyre pristine so I dont smell like patchouli. A Critical Coworker - 5 Reasons Why Here are 5 reasons why your coworker is so critical of you: They Don't Like You Too Controlling Genuine Advice Habit Too Smart In this section we will explain why your fellow worker has that irritating habit of always poking their nose into your work and pointing out something they don't like! REAL CUNT indeed. If her coworkers sensitivity is that acute, it is up to management to arrange that shes isolated from scents that bother her, not up to her coworkers to arrange their entire lives around it). Then again, here the people rocking the strong scents tend to be older and more senior in the organization. Surely people grow out of this shortly after high school, surely a grown adult wouldnt comment on someones smell unless it was bothering them. Its really difficult to calmly sit with the person attached to that trigger and explain whats happening. Maybe she got it confused with lemongrass? I have attended conferences where the registration page indicated scent-free environment, and at the opening meeting another announcement was made about not using scented products, including the soap, etc. Weve worked together on this project for about six months, and been in the same office for about three years? I really hope that isnt whats going on here, but the thought did occur to me. If a coworker takes your idea and uses it as though they came up with it, without . Sinus infections famously cause your head to pound and your eyes to throb. Or maybe the scents linger in a vehicle that then gets stuck on you, so to speak, or on an office chair? Its also not a popular smell for body fragrances either, which tend to be floral or fruit based. It's his responsibility. His constant sniffling - Anyone know what might be causing this? One option would be to talk to your manager. I made a similar comment waaaaay below. And Im damn sure not asking that of all my friends and family. Its like take the LW at their word doesnt apply to fragrance-based letters or something. All day every day. LW here Nope, I dont use any kind of incense or oil diffusers at home. putting an end to your runny nose. My friend worked a really hellish retail job one Christmas. But if OP doubled down and insists that they dont actually smell, they will frankly not hold as string a position as if they continue to be open to learning about ways they might be bringing patchouli scent to the office. Youre right that at this point shes probably already tried most or all of these things it really does sound like the OP is being extremely accommodating! Just because she can smell something doesnt mean its bothering her. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? Although her coworker would probably be like your smock smells bad., I, for one, welcome my new sterilization chamber overlords. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If she tries cornering you and directly accusing you, you just shrug your shoulders confused and say you dont know how you can help her solve her problem of the phantom scent. And I really hope thats not the cause, but if the OP is a person of color, there is a possibility that this is a contributing factor especially if the coworker is not having issues with anyone elses scent profile. Its a hippie scentmaybe. Does anyone have answer. Back to old man smell. Oh, now that you say that Im remembering that she didnt complain once about the intern we had last summer who practically bathed in Axe products I asked him once and he had the body wash AND the cologne/body spray stuff! This must be resolved with management/HR. I agree with you that the OP has already done a lot and the coworker is being snarky. Good luck!! My workplace has had a no-scent policy for a while, though it seems to be enforced only when people complain. The office is not fragrance free O had air quality come in. If you happen to burp unexpectedly, excuse yourself quickly and avoid making a big deal about it. Get queasy even smelling it/seeing the bottle. I ended up leaving for another job. One discoveryfat people (and more dramatically women, of course) in the material always resulted in people claiming the scent stank even when they rated the scent as pleasant or neutral when other images were involved. Makes weird noises. Not to mention, if the only change was the perfume you started wearing, then not wearing it anymore and cleaning all your clothes should have stopped the problem. I enjoy wearing perfume, but tend to stick to indie oil scents, since the smell tends to stick closer to my skin (so, in theory, I dont bother my coworkers) and also because I seem to be sensitive to the alcohol that a lot of spray perfumes use. Not just no, but hell no. The last time she used baby powder on a babys bum was approximately 31 years ago. Offensive even. I hope this works out and she backs off, but either way, as a scent-sitive person, thank you so much for going through all this effort. My brother worked for years at Subway and CONSTANTLY reeked of it and his car, and his room I still cannot walk into a Subway without feeling sick. People tend not to. I just wonder how strongly it can stick to clothes if thats how the fragrance is transferring. She claimed I couldnt possibly smell it because it was only a drop on each foot and was covered, she couldnt smell it at all. Works properly your nose is one of the most annoying habits are much more reasonable than an! 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