After meeting Goku in the anime, however, his views changed, radically, and his distrustful nature towards mortals only grew. Due to the fusees being one and the same, neither one of the fuses are dominant, and Fused Zamasu's attributes are evenly distributed and blended perfectly. Ultimately, he struggles in his battle with him and is surprised by Goku's power, which Gowasu remarks as rivaling the God of Destruction's. The Immortal God Zamasu. Black then joins with Future Zamasu in trying to fire at the pair, but their attack is stopped by Vegeta, allowing Goku and Trunks to escape. The difference in their personality is also reflected in their contrasting fighting styles. Before he could kill the two, Trunks arrives and blocks Zamasu's attack. Upon transforming into Super Saiyan Ros, he easily defeated Vegeta with a surprise piercing blade attack. However, Fused Zamasu's will lived on, destroying his own physical body in the process to "cast away his mortal shell," only to be erased later by Future Zeno. Vowing to show them the power of a god, Fused Zamasu launches exploding blades at Goku and Vegeta. The two begin to fight but Vegito easily decimates Fused Zamasu, at one point slicing Fused Zamasu's hands off so fast that he does not notice. How can we call ourselves gods if we watch this plight and do nothing to stop it?Zamasu in "I'd Like to See Goku, You See A Summons From Grand Zeno!". Appearing in Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black was Zamasu from the unaltered main timeline, who stole the body of the original present Goku. The distraction creates an opening for Goku, as he lands a sharp kick in Black's abdomen. It also caused the sclera of his right eye to turn yellow and his pupil to turn purplish-red. "No amount of assistance you provide will change . Garlic Jr. is in no way a strong fighter, but he is one of the few Dragon Ball characters who wished for true immortality. Eventually, Future Trunks fled back in time to get help from the heroes of the past. Zamasu implores if Gowasu is telling him to look past the mistakes of mortals with Gowasu simply telling him to know his place, watch over and raise them. Black then follows up with a kick to the Saiyan's head, which knocks him into the ground, forming a large crater in the process. Even in the face of defeat, Goku puts on a smile . Then teaming up with his future self, Future Zamasu, the pair went about trying to wipe out all mortals on Earth. The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!". As a human, Krillin is known to be exceptionally powerful, but he's always wanted to live a quiet life. He confronts Jiren briefly with both able to dodge each other's attack. Fused Zamasu goes on to battle evenly with Vegeta and Future Trunks in their Super Saiyan forms. In his Half-Corrupted form, Fused Zamasu is able to fight with Vegito Blue, with neither fighter being able to land a decisive blow, though Vegito was overwhelming Fused Zamasu. Trunks went back in time to receive aid from his mother as well as Goku and Vegeta.Goku, Vegeta and Trunks were defeated several times by Zamasu and Black but they always . 1. However, Future Trunks noted after Black and Goku's first fight in the past that Black was stronger in the future, meaning that Black wasn't using all of his power during his fight with Goku. Hearts (Ultimate), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Hit, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Future Trunks, Fused Zamasu is the first villain in the franchise to be created by use of Potara Fusion, the first fusion created by two alternate timeline counterparts fusing. A pure and perfect multiverse. I've allied with the Zamasu who came from your own era to fight for justice."-Future Zamasu, 'Dragon Ball Super'. The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors". Black attempts to locate them by sensing their ki but has trouble thanks to its faintness and being mixed among others. Mortals, you must be expunged. Thanks to Trunks' efforts, his timeline avoided the Buu Saga, but a much more challenging threat emerged in the form of Zamasu, a villain from Universe 10 who took the body of Goku from a different timeline to become Goku Black.He ravaged the Earth and forced a group of rebels to join forces with Trunks. However, he was utterly helpless as Hearts surrounds him with his energy cubes and shrinks him down, actually killing the immortal foe. When Hit and Jiren unexpectedly arrive thanks to their Supreme Kais sending them there, with Jiren knocking Zamasu off of Goku with a punch. However, in the manga, Zamasu learns about Goku by watching him fight in the Tournament of Destroyers on. For those who don't remember, Zamasu is one of the major villains in Dragon Ball Super. Upon sensing the return of the trio (Trunks, Goku and Vegeta, along with Bulma) in the future, Black and Future Zamasu waited and eventually encountered them again. Defeat Maestro Delphine Eraclea Last Exile "I alone should possess the truth that wanders the Grand Stream. Goku threatens Black, betting him that he'll be able to force out his doppelgnger's true power. You can't. Other than that, just fight as well as you can, try to equip a QQ Bang (or build) with a decent amount of stamina, and mind your health (equip 3 or 4 health/regen capsules). According to the Dragon Ball Super rival danger scale, Super Saiyan Ros Fused Zamasu ranks as a twelve out of twelve, with it noting that he is so strong that others cannot even approach him. Due to Black's body, able to power up constantly when in near death or while fighting, and Future Zamasu's immortality. Future Trunks and Bulma are eventually intercepted by Black himself, leading to Bulma's death and their hideout's destruction. Also, in the manga, he has thick black outlines around his eyes, similar to those who fell under the control of Babidi's Manipulation Sorcery. Showdown! Goku goes in his place, beginning to battle with Black. Zamasu (, Zamasu) is the Supreme Kai apprentice serving the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu. During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, Goku Black and Future Zamasu somehow manage to change history. In the anime, Fused Zamasu appears along with Hearts and watches his allies, Oren and Kamin, battle against Vegeta and Future Trunks. In the third fight, he fends off Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks simultaneously. Vegeta states that using completed Super Saiyan Blue, Goku can fight evenly with Fused Zamasu. They then travelled another year into the future to wish for the Super Dragon Balls to destroy themselves and stealthily annihilated all the Supreme Kais of that reality (which thereby killed the other Gods of Destruction) to leave their path of destruction unchallenged.[12]. Zamasu was originally the North Kai of Universe 10. In the manga, he also retains his hour limitation for staying fused due to not being a true Supreme Kai. In the manga, however, once Zamasu's insanity gets the better of him, he drops all pretenses of justice and declares that all the gods are unnecessary and that he will kill every life form in all realities that is not a version of himself. An extremely powerful fusion born between the union of Goku Black and Future Zamasu by the Potara earrings. For other incarnations of Zamasu, see. During the Universal Conflict Saga Fused Zamasu has apparently grown much stronger. In this form, Black's eyes are depicted the same as other Super Saiyans, and are the same color as a regular Super Saiyan's eyes, though in one piece of colored art they are drawn black. Of course Zamasu is no immortal but then the ripple effect starts affecting the mortal half, Black. Goku Black claimed that wearing a time ring protected him from being destroyed when Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present timeline. When I say Zamasu, I'm talking about any form we see him in during the tv show Db super. In his original future as Goku Black in the manga, Zamasu became far more powerful than before, beating Future Trunks numerous times, eventually to the point where he no longer had to use Super Saiyan. Answer (1 of 4): Because his body was corrupted. The realization that all mortals should be destroyed. This future was visited by Shin in the manga to confirm Zamasu's evil. It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. To the surprise of Goku, Fused Zamasu appears alongside the other Core Area Warriors and uses his telekinesis to retrieve Cumber, before he and the others teleport away. He wears a violet long-sleeved shirt under a gray and yellow coat, a light blue sash, dark blue baggy pants, and white boots. After going through numerous battles during the Tournament of Time, Goku Black became capable of holding a slight edge in battle over Super Saiyan Blue Goku with just his base form. Zamasu is a lean-built individual of fairly tall height. In the anime, by calling upon the Light of Divine Justice, Fused Zamasu becomes larger and more muscular. In this form Fused Zamasu is capable of utilizing his Halo for numerous purposes, but its primary function is defense - though it can be destroyed by a powerful attack and when this happens Fused Zamasu reverts to his normal Super Saiyan Ros form. Zamasu's outfit in the anime shares the same color scheme as Shin's in the manga. In Dragon Ball Fusions, his name is rendered as Zamas. Trunks, though we didnt get to see him fight at this level, probably couldnt take Goku or Vegeta, mainly due to the fact there was a lot of emotion that fueled that form and him fighting Goku or Vegeta wouldnt be the same emotionally. He then proceeds to face Vegeta while Future Zamasu faces Goku. Ultimately, however, his new instability proved to be his undoing, which ultimately led to his death at the blade of Future Trunks, who had absorbed a Spirit Bomb. Gowasu explains to Zamasu that they are orbs that can grant any wish, much to Zamasu's surprise. To battle both versions of this seemingly unbeatable foe simultaneously, Trunks goes back in time himself and convinces Goku and Vegeta to travel to the future with him and fight Zamasu and Goku Black. In the meantime, Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta use a time machine to return to the past, which Black later is able to sense as it departs, failing to catch them, with Future Zamasu insisting that they would return. They both lock fists and go into a power struggle as the pull from the distortion gets stronger and Black pulls towards it, interrupting the fight. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. Give Praise Unto Me! Gohan and "Future" Trunks! Fused Zamasu had his entire side blown off by base Vegito (though it was a surprise attack), and was shown to have a great disadvantage against Vegito Blue, who was noted by Shin to have power potentially surpassing Beerus, with Fused Zamasu being unable to track Vegito Blue's movements at one point, allowing the fused Saiyan to cut off his hands without him noticing. Goku then overpowers Zamasu, defeating him in battle. The fusion heavily resembles Future Zamasu, yet supplemented with various traits of Goku Black, including Goku Black's height and build. Mitsuki Sarue/Sariel The Devil is a Part Timer! A wig modeled after Zamasu's hair after he used the Potara earrings to fuse with Goku Black.Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Accessory description. Gowasu speaks his name as he seemingly laments that his apprentice had to pay a price to learn of his wrong ways. Just wait, I'm going to become even stronger. The result was the . Zamasu puts the earring on the ear corresponding to Gowasu's to ensure the pair do not fuse and denies interest in merging with him for the time being. [14], According to the Dragon Ball Super rival danger scale, Super Saiyan Ros Goku Black is ranked as a twelve out of twelve.[15]. Because of this, the original present Zamasu possesses all of the original present Goku's techniques, transformations, instincts, and even some of his personality traits in the anime at the time Zamasu switched their bodies. He also gave the right Potara earring to his future counterpart while still wearing the other earring on his left ear. Traduo Context Corretor Sinnimos Conjugao. This allows Super Saiyan Black to fight on par with Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, and after getting healed again, he gains yet another power up from his injuries and evolves into his Super Saiyan Ros form. However, he retains his past self's politeness and is shown to be graceful during his first fight with Goku as Black. Wisdom. When Future Zamasu pins Goku to a building, Goku Black uses his Violent Fierce God Slicer to impale both of them, and Black reveals that this was how he had killed Goku in the past. This caused Fused Zamasu's body to fluctuate, creating mutations in his body that multiplied his size and power, but left his body completely unstable and no longer completely immortal, although he did retain a tremendous amount of durability and a potent healing factor. In the manga, Fused Zamasu defuses after his hour is up, however, the immortality of Future Zamasu will not allow them to separate and he and Black are stuck in a deformed half fused state. While Black in the anime always manages to stay calm and never lose his composure, even when losing a battle, Black in the manga is more prone to losing his composure the moment things do not go his way. In this form he is named Grotesque Zamasu, Fused Zamasu (Right Arm Enlargement)[7] or Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted).[8]. Just-a-nick-of-time Trunks arrives and saves his father and friend. When using this power up, Fused Zamasu manifests his Super Saiyan Ros aura whereas he had none prior. He was also shocked and angered to see Goku so calmly wielding the power of Ultra Instinct. However, when he teams up with Oren and Kamin to battle Vegeta and Hit, he and the two Tuffles prove to be on the losing end of their battle. Fused Zamasu was later erased from existence (along with the entire future multiverse) when Future Zeno erased him after Goku summoned him, putting an end to both Future Zamasu and Black's plans once and for all. Fused Zamasu attempts to attack Goku but he is stopped by Jiren, who knocks him away with a massive punch. The Future Warrior can obtain Fused Zamasu's skills through DLC Parallel Quests though his Half-Corrupted form's skills are unobtainable. Gowasu, however, states that only Gods of Destruction can carry out that act. Fused Zamasu angrily curses Gowasu for never telling him about the time limit of fusion. Black opens with the same golden-black ki sphere he attempted to use on Trunks. Fused Zamasu ( , Gattai Zamasu), (known as Merged Zamasu in the anime and God Zamas in the Viz manga) usually just referred to as Zamasu (, Zamasu), is a Potara fusion born of the union between Goku Black (the original present Zamasu in the original present Goku's body) and Future Zamasu.He is the final antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga. Zamasu discussion. The sword and shield made one. With the two Saiyans defeated and knocked out, Fused Zamasu proceeds to destroy the world around him, causing numerous amounts of natural disasters stretching around the entire planet. Goku Black showed a sense of brutality and a ruthless savagery, such as when he coldly tortures his foes/targets, hoping to extend their pain and suffering as much as possible. While this would normally cause a significant strain on the fusion's body and shorten his lifespan, the immortality from Future Zamasu, to an extent, eliminates this problem despite the "unstable" fusion affected by Goku Black (as his body isn't immortal). These facts cause Shin to note that Fused Zamasu's standing as a god is beyond even their understanding. In the anime, he also wears a Time Ring on his right index finger, while in the manga, his counterpart is entrusted with wearing it. Zamasu, however, is overwhelmed by Goku's attack, resulting in an explosion which surprises the semi-god, leaving the right half of his face and body swollen and turning purple. However, Whis is convinced that Zamasu and Black are in fact the same person not only due to their ki but the fact that he felt the same coldness in his heart that he felt from Black. After confirming their suspicions of Zamasu's true intentions, Goku, Shin, Beerus and Whis head out to protect Gowasu and make him realize Zamasu's currently evil nature. The fight continued, with the duo holding the upper hand over the Saiyan trio. Black then realizes that it was time travel and also seems to know Vegeta and the God of Destruction Beerus. Worship Me! During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. While Black gloats, he feels a distortion in Time and Space. He also has narcissist tendencies, believing that only he was the only life form who deserved to live in his "perfect utopia". In the manga, however, it is the mutated/evolved form of Fused Zamasu, which resulted from Future Zamasu's immortality merging Goku . Able to keep up with the beyond-Destroyer foe, Zamasu even belittled Jiren after their exchange, finding Jiren as beneath him. During the Universal Conflict Saga Fused Zamasu has apparently grown much stronger. Zamasu change the whole aspect about hero stories usually the hero win the end, but they didn 't win. In the midst of causing destruction, Black began to sense Trunks' ki, so he pursued him. Black attempts to resist its pull but is unable to. But once Zamasu fuse time . His aura changes from colorful white to that of Black's as Super Saiyan Ros. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Gigantification) vs. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Gigantification) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Vegito (Base/Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku and Vegeta, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2). Give Praise Unto Me! As part of his wish with Super Shenron, the original present Zamasu's primary form is that of the original present Goku's. It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. Zamasu is immortal and has Blacks ability to increase in Strengh as the battle goes on. He starts off being resistant to knockback (I think), so you might want to be careful. However, after killing his former master, Gowasu, he wore his matching set of green with gold chains Potara earrings. In the anime, Zamasu is mentioned by Gowasu when he is thinking of members for Team Universe 10, saying that he shouldn't risk selecting someone reprehensible like Zamasu again. In the Universal Conflict Saga, it is shown that Fused Zamasu is willing to work with others even if he dislikes them, as he was angered by Hearts noting that Fused Zamasu too was a mortal, but still agreed to follow him. Zamasu cries (much to Vegito's disbelief), saying that his tears will purify the world, before powering up, resulting in him growing larger and his right side becoming more grotesque. As Vegeta and Goku manage to fuse into Vegito, Zamasu wonders to himself why mortals would try and imitate the gods, declaring it sinful. Zamasu angrily knocks Vegito to the ground. The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God". Zamasu apparently manages to see off his guests and reunites with Gowasu. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . As a mentor, he is able to use the following moves: Zamasu can be found near the dragon ball pedestal, just north a bit, standing on a lone hill. Zamasu then vanished. Give Praise Unto Me! Upon recognizing the Saiyans' ability to also gain strength through anger, Black incorporate this by using his universal anger, stabbing his God Split Cut into his hand and revealing a new scythe version, making him stronger. Although Future Trunks uses the energy of every living thing on Earth, Fused Zamasu tells him that both he and the Future Warrior are powerless against his divine justice. Y/n: There's no need to thank us, Trunks. In order to defeat Zamasu, the primary antagonist of the Goku Black Arc, Goku and Vegeta were forced to fuse into Vegito. In the manga, Black completely overwhelms Future Trunks during their battle, smashing him from building to building until the latter powers down to base form. Nothing more to it. At one point, Mai and the Resistance attempted to lead Black into an area rigged with remote-detonated explosives, but Black emerged unscathed. This ultimately resulted in none of Goku's traits such as a composed demeanor when fighting or his passion for battle. In the manga, however, he retains his arrogance, openly gloating and overjoyed at his power. You've been running around making messes for too long and now I'm going to choke the life from you. Once learning of the existence of the Super Dragon Balls and realizing the potential power he could obtain from them, Zamasu fully gave into his dark desires, removing all semblance of compassion and patience towards others as he threatened Zuno's life for answers. The past Gods of destruction Beerus fight continued, with the duo holding the upper hand over the trio! Any wish, much to Zamasu that they are orbs that can grant wish! Don & # x27 ; t remember, Zamasu is one of the original present Goku traits... Didn & # x27 ; t remember, Zamasu is one of the major villains in Dragon Super. These facts cause Shin to note that Fused Zamasu goes on Zamasu in the manga however. Lean-Built individual of fairly tall height course Zamasu is one of the major in. Trunks Saga, Goku and Vegeta Accessory description Arc, Goku Black,... Zamasu was originally the North Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu Vegeta with a piercing. 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