The master sowed good wheat seed in his fields, but an enemy sowed tares. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.. Love conquers all! like so many other dangerous teachings and movements, the danger is not always apparent right away it can take a bit of digging to find out what a teacher or a movement actually stand for. Let us consider how we may spur one another toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as many pastors and leaders can be in the habit of doing. Ethiopia. Shalom, and thanks for debating this important topic. I assure you I would be running a mile if I heard such false theology. For some reason, likely with an end-time purpose, God is sending delusion. to them, God is no more than a cool dude waving a peace sign, and a fellow goatee-wearing, earring-dangling beatnik with a good sense of humor. Yours Gregor. If we are kings, we can not rule the earth before the King of Kings returns as King Messiah. Currently, Satan roams the earth roaring like a lion seeking to kill and destroy, and is the first blasphemer recorded in Gods written word, the Bible (1 Peter 5:8; Genesis chapter 3). Much of what he has taught has changed my life and made me more like Jesus and opened my eyes to who He is! suckling Godka by Bud Press, Director This will allow us to subdue the earth. * Armageddon is the ongoing battle between the forces of light and darkness. I cant speak for the beliefs of the others you mention, since I dont know them, but I think you are very wrong in Judging Bill Johnson. I guess to insult you means one gets to have brute lies spoken about them. Latter Rain Should you have any doubts about the veracity of this happening, I might tell you the names of two people to whom this false youth pastor has admitted his satanic behavior and is proud of it. Kingdom now has wordly element to it and wanting to take what is not theirs YET. This is what Bill and others in his movement teacha Church fully empowered, fully representing on earth the way things are in heavenjust like Jesus did, in exactly the same way. those who disagree with their ungodly behavior and damnable teachings are considered either sub-Christian or religious zealots, Pharisees, cultists, fear-mongers, hate-mongers, sensationalists, liars, witch hunters, heresy hunters, unsaved, and haters of Jesus Christ, who are possessed by a religious spirit.. I attended a couple of his sessions earlier this year. So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. persecutors of the Apostolic church What kind of authority do you say this with? Moses is another example of a man that refused to live like a King on Earth. I have heard a number of Bills teachings and always found them to be interesting and sometimes exciting interpretings of scripture. Alphabetical Listing. So is God of the Bible behind this movement, or is it Satan? Kingdom Now is an ideology who claim man shall take the Earth for Christ. May you gibeore information about jhonson and his doctrines. There is no other way to interpret those verses. Jesus the Messiah did not recognize them. No one told me to hand pick verses to make them fit into doctrines I have been told to promote. I just dont want others to think it is a sin to be rich. I will ask you to read this link, and tell me what you think. Admittedly it does take some study to see the enormous flaws in Kingdom now teaching and I do not ask that you believe me but do ask that you consider Gods word thoughtfully. Prosperity Gospel Preachers. Jesus hippies those who disagree with their ungodly behavior and damnable teachings are considered either sub-Christian or religious zealots, Pharisees, cultists, fear-mongers, hate-mongers, sensationalists, liars, witch hunters, heresy hunters, unsaved, and haters of Jesus Christ, who are possessed by a "religious spirit." There are more than 33.000 christian denominations on earth not one of them know the whole truth but I am sure I can learn a lot from each one. You will never convince me that I was drunk on demonic spirits. They consider any thought of future Christian witness under duress or grace under fire as "negative thinking". , Christs Love is the whole meaning of life. The post Announcing New Book Release by Warren B. Smith: EVANGULLIBLE appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Just because you believe evil spirits are attached to these leaders doesnt mean you are correct for you are only man. Dear Sir, We want your kind fellowship and your Holy prayers and your kind compassion in Jesus on our church building construction. Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. Its typically of pentecostal/charismatics to make scandal upon scandals! Now is the day of His Kingdom. Like driving a car or drinking alcohol as a nine year old. (Founder of the Salvation Army, Preacher) 30. We simply are not supposed to be preoccupied with anything but seeing souls saved. Ill just let it slide away. Yet stronger than woman is The Truth, which is in those who have received a love of The Truth. Jakes Charles Finney C. Peter Wagner Joseph Prince James Robison John Piper The Catch the fire movement can be better described as a Catch the demon movement, destroying or leading Churches into submission of deceptive spirits, like the Kundalini spirit. Lent and Contemplative A Likely Match During breakfast today, we discussed the promised blessings of those who bless Jacob`s children. High Priest of bliss We must warn against those who teach false teachings about Jesus if He is not fully God of not fully man or if He is just spirit etc, but it is quite a dangerous path to warn against people brothers and sisters who differs in opinion on what we can all minor issus (compared). (Evangelical preacher, writer and former warlord best known for his role during the First Liberian Civil War) 19. As a result there are plenty of trendy new churches that openly and brazenly attempt to live with sin rather than confront it. I see the article is just a list of cowardly, disrespectful slanders on a man of God whose sole purpose is to glorify Jesus. Thats what Jesus did with His disciples time after time! What a phrase the new flesh, it is an insane teaching that trys to negated the need to deal with the flesh and in fact recreates it as Godly flesh this I do believe. The Bible has plenty of warnings against miracles workers, and those who follow such events, or even demands to see such things as a foundation of their faith. smearing ones face into the gospel like a pig in a trough How are we going to face God if do not treat our brothers and sisters like brothers and sister? Reading yours and Chriss posts brought me to comment. Corruptible to Incorruptible ndeed and Truth! If you cannot see that BJ teaches falsehood, then at least you should be worried about the friends he keeps! All the Apostles were martyred. Would anyone listen to someone who wanted to baptize people in the name of the Father, Son and Kundalini? McMahon is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. Longing to be with the Messiah, who will come back and rescue you. The subsequent evaluations that have been done reveal that projects have had significant impact in the community. Satan can only make counterfeits of what God does but he most certainly cannot emulate Gods limitless power. Copyright 2002-2023. Sun Sign: Aries. So, I will state my most-Christ-like position on the post. If you would like your pastor or a church leader to begin receiving these mailings, please send the name and a valid mailing address to us at names and addresses on this list will remain confidential. Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But so what? This theology basically believes that the role of the church is to disciple the whole world into submission to the Church. I checked your link. Prakasam Dt , A.P. Thomas traveled to India, and might have been slain by short and long knives. Just asking so i know whether to take you serious. Multitudes are seduced by the religious systems that are in and of this evil world. The Cornerstone house of God has 20,000 members, and he is the founder of the John Hagee Ministries. May be the Pentecostal leaders in the Church of Oslo should listen to Jesus the Messiah, who refused to bow down to a preacher of Kingdom Now theology: Jesus answered him, It is also written: Do not put the Lord your God to the test. * Modern-day prophets must be obeyed and not judged for their inaccuracy. Here are 30 well-known pastors of today that speak the truth of God and who believe every single word in the Bible. Paul promotes death to the flesh to take on the nature of Christ. Come let us reason together, Paul prayed to God to deliver him from unreasonable men. I just dont understand why you are judging when only God has the authority to judge. And that's beside the specific topic of friendship cited earlier. It is sad that so many people: young and old Christian alike fall away, but is it really worth arguing with people who are not ready and/or do not wish to believe the truth. Ivar said: He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. They all endorse the outpouring of spirits from Toronto. He works with World Hope Ministries International to train pastors in remote global locations, coaches planters and pastors, and teaches seminary occasionally. Heresy is a very serious charge to lay on any Christian group. Or growth based on deception like teaching of prosperity and Kingdom Dominion theology. I noticed you have made the comment more than once about your not owning anything. Read what the Word says, and dont go beyond what is written. If you have compromised, and tell the rosy, glossy copy of the Gospel, the whole world will love you. Paul would not preach without a demonstration of power and told all believers to carefully follow the pattern laid out by him as He followed Christ. How to Strengthen the Faith of Our Children & Grandchildren With 5-Minute Conversations by T.A. Do they not come of your lusts that war in your members? I also urge you to test the spirits that come before your pulpits and ensure they line up with the word, It may be that discernment is when you know that somethign is wrong but not sure why. 3Pre-Reformation 4Lutheran 5Calvinist 6Presbyterian 7Anglican 8Puritan 9Baptist 10Methodist 11Independent 12Seventh-day Adventist 13Church of Christ 14Pentecostal 15Charismatic 16Preachers with secular professions 17Gallery 18References Toggle the table of contents List of Christian preachers Add languages Add links Article Talk English Read Restoration Movement Please do not write long comments, but be brief, and take one point at the time. They bring people closer to God and have compassion for the lost, sick and oppressed. Amen that is dominion, I dont care what bill johnson preach, i have no connection with him either, but i preach the gospel of the Kingdom. * They want to restore the Edenic nature even though Eden is where sin began. crap flowing through the church You said:Jesus is King NOW, It is not a futurstic event. drinking with the Holy Ghost )Satan became the god of this world due to Adam's sin, "Adam committed high treason and sold . This is a very visible and immediately obvious red flag of a dominionist church. > If you distort what this man says in the way much of it has been you are doing similar to taking a verse of scripture out of context. They but seek and desire The Will of GOD, their Father and Creator, as they await their final transformation. Godka Holy Spirits,, Contemplative Spirituality We have to be careful. View all posts by ivarfjeld, For the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one(I John 5:19), Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. You have basically to give up all the fleshy desires, and follow Him. Pastor Bill Johnson will lead the largest Norwegian Pentecostal Church into deception. How many who say they are Christian play the lottery in hopes of being rich? smoking the Bible What did you cut your hand off?. His teaching is based on the belief that Christians can reign on Earth as Kings, without the King of Kings present. Neither through right or false teachings. I will pray for you right now: Lord Jesus. Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Inc. BRYCE HOMES FOR WIDOWS & CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL, Announcing New Book Release by Warren B. Smith: EVANGULLIBLE, Asbury RevivalLetter to the Editor Raises Concerns About Possible Pre-Planned Exploits, True Revival in the Midst of Persecution The World Will Not Love True Revival, New Medical Codes for COVID Vaccination Status Raise Concerns Among Experts, Pensacola Christian College Cancels Kings Singers Concert Over [Homosexual] Lifestyle', New Booklet: How to Strengthen the Faith of Our Children & Grandchildren With 5-Minute Conversations, Video: Warren B Smith A Former New Ager Returns to Philadelphia, Colorado Appeals Court Rules Against Jack Phillips, Masterpiece Cakeshop in Trans Cake Case. It doesnt get any stranger! The following is a recent example of 'Kingdom Now' teaching. They promise a giver 30,50 or 100 times return on their cash, given to prosperity ministries. That was because of bad conditions and terrorism that we experienced from this person. #5 John MacArthur praise the lord sir No sense of Gods presence at all. heavy holiday drunken glory Nobody can stop it because it is a DIVINE WORK OF GOD. The message that the culture brings might have truth to it, but the system that delivers that message might not be in line with Gods heart and intent. indeed it IS a new-age spirit, preparing for antichrist. Even after you were saved. Quantity discounts are available. If you claim that your hand has never lead you into sin, than you are a liar and a hypocrite. We need desperately to see tat these same currents are moving strongly within christianity, and its sweeping a lot of people along. Matthew 6:25-34 is a very forceful message on the subject: Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. He said, if the sick are healed then the Kingdom of Heaven has come unto you. They poured out onto the street and courtyard outside the Upper Room near Davids Tomb. Something to reflect on. (JDS). For about 20 minutes we were under his terror;also saying to us that were foreigners here in Norway and that he (henning) is a Norwegian and will do to us whatever he wants; i told him that Ill call the police if he tries to do something or harm us,but his reply was:i dont care about police and about law this he said in screaming aggressive behavior; as he was displaying his aggressiveness toward us,his face had taken the feature of the devil. We can also wish that this verse was never written. New Zealand and we are looking for assistance to pay shipping cost for our i wish God bless you more and use preach his . farming, hiv/aids and women peace building programme which we can send them to drunkenness is holy smoking the baby Jesus " Better Together," "The Two of Us," "The Dating (single, married) Life" are the customary themes. I guess you should pluck out your eyes and cut off your hands too? In 1 Timothy 6:17 Paul did not say command the rich in this present world to get rid of their money and property. blood of Jesus makes you evil for inside and outside Multitudes pervert GODs Order because they have been seduced by the commandments and doctrines of men and devils. Just replace the word Jesus with God. I look forward to your thoughts or questions regarding the matter. The Apostles didnt seem to mind and Luke liked the story so well, he put in the Book of Acts as a work that Jesus did through the Holy Spirit. education service comprise Primary basic education ,school construction and educational material provision freely . electrum Bliss Temptation. The Word says to test the spirits and look at the fruit and then decide. prasad tadi (pastor). God says in Isaiah 66:3-5, I will choose their delusions. I believe that is the reason for so much confusion, false theology, and apostasy today. five layer toke NEW! Rick Warren Bill Johnson (Bethel Church) Kenneth Copeland IHOP (Int'l House of Prayer - Kansas City) Kay Arthur Paula White Beth Moore Creflo Dollar John Calvin C.S. To add to the tragedy of this false doctrine is the fact that many churches who had this accurate are now switching to these false teachings. Thank you for your best works in Jesus to build the Kingdom of God. He may have performed them on occasion, but only because us humans craved a sign so much. * Rather than following traditional Bible prophecy, they follow new revelations.. Acts 1:3. These are the Scriptures that testify about me. Thanks Hank. We are grieving the holy spirit he convicts us once twice three times but then we still chose to be disobedient and because we have grieved the holy spirit we use grace as a cover up to say well were not perfect and god knows my heart well am sorry but if Christ is in us then we wont want to dishonour our lord. Bro. God clearly demonstrated Who was in charge and booted Satan and one-third of the angels out of heaven (Ezekiel chapter 28; Genesis chapter 3; Isaiah chapter 14; Revelation chapter 12). Global warming, polluted air, land and waters, toxic wastes, sexual perversion, evil inventions of destruction, greed, hate, carnal warfare, dis-ease ,,,etc,,, are all destructive processes that have their root in the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. The Savior was on earthwhat a time like no other. And how many Christians do you think have strayed from Christ, because theyve became rich or have money, and proceeded to stray from Gods Word? please pray for us But his hopes of ruling over Almighty God and the universe He created was only a pipe dream. Dear Pastor ,i thank God for u and yr Church . To touch the larger poor community in rural area, we need to further support. The last antichrist in flesh that has come to Jerusalem claiming to be God. It is embraced and taught in part or whole by the National and World Council of Churches, Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, Earl Paulk, Bob Weiner, John Wimber, James Robison (who is called the Presidents pastor). At that time, the devil will be bound and the glory of the Lord will fill the earth. Matthew 13:25 Concerning Bill Johnson, he is seriously one of most Godly men I know. It seems that neither is christian his father Arne Gjervoldstad ,all his positions like a rektor of Filadelfia -missionary to Kenya elder or team elder- cannot make him a christian- actually its like it says in Titus 1:16. New Breed silly for da Lord Thousands of years ago, Satan, a former anointed cherubim angel, was convinced he could raise his throne above the stars of God and make himself like the Most High. Dear brothers in Christ, Answer. 8.5 Hours on 2 DVDs, Produced by Justin Peters and SO4J-TV . pastor. In 1979, Time magazine recognized him as one of the seven best Protestant preachers in the nation and conferred on him the title "Dean of the Nation's Black Preachers." Few black preachers of the past 25 years would have offered a list of great preachers without including Taylor at or near the top of their list. Age: 82 years old (as of 2022) Church: John Hagee Ministries. I am assuming that wherever Bill Johnson travels and teaches, he is invited there to do so by people who know him and his background. Pastor Bill Johnson has done it, and got it. Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also. (John 15:19-20), Where do wars and fighting among you come from? The conference will be held in the Norwegian Pentecostal congregation from 15th of 18th of April. They sold them and paid off the building with money to spare! If you can arrange appointments, please feel free. What a sad article how sad to read a pharasees article. Who to you know that Jehovah Witnesses are not followers of the true Jesus, without studying their doctrines, and coming up with a conclusion? As I said to Chris: If Jesus wants, he can put gold dust under my bed. When people get the joy, peace and freedom the Holy Spirit brings, when their sins are forgiven, their demons are gone and their sickness are healed, you never know how a person will react. We sadly see this dangerous development in Sweden as well especially affecting our young people. They have also no problem with endorsing other antichrists either. suckling Lucy the milk angel It is also known as liberation theology. It is an effort to use the church to make the world perfect for our Lords return. That is being grossly misapplied in recent years as a basis to justify the plethora of new communty-based churches, which have as their main focus doing good social works among the people, to be able to make friends with non xian parts of the community. It is my belief that the time of the feast of Tabernacles is upon us, what do I mean by that , just that there is a call to come out of the world, not to embrace it. But The author of Hebrews in chapters 5 and 6 actually rebukes the church for not being able to move past elementary teachings of Christ, which includes faith in God, repentance from sin, etc.. United by who we love, so lets not be divided over how we minister and empower those around us to do the things out Christ commands. praise god you do good work for christ. He is a very loving man who by the power of the Holy Spirit has brought hope and healing to many, many people worldwide. Yes, I believe that the Lord has brought material blessing to the West because of the presence of His Bride there, but it is evil to be anything but grateful for what He has doneto constantly ask for more is greedy and the New Testament roundly condemns greed in the followers of Jesus. William Booth. All over the World apostles and prophets are speaking about the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on the EARTH as IT IS IN HEAVEN. 28But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Ivar, A free written transcript of this message is available at https://med. drink with the fat Friars I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. These false prophets are changing the grace of God into a licence for immorality (Jude 1:4). He walk in the same spirit. I have been in churches influenced by that B J phenomenon. He was influential in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. I had been thinking about this teacher for some time, and I would have had to start searching for him in a couple of weeks time. Satan doesnt set people free in the name of Jesus. Hes spoken at my church and not once did he talk about the money and wealth that you claim he is obsessed with. Brothers and sisters its time get that special relationship back with Christ see yourself as Christ sees you. I certainly am not perceiving devils theology coming from Bill Johnson and Joyce Mayer. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the electif that were possible.See, I have told you ahead of time. And please dont go beyond what I have said either. The Bible says: Test all spirits. There are four well known prosperity preachers that I want to concentrate on and expose as false teachers. He added repentance of sins, confession of faith, water baptism, discipleship, Lord's Supper and church membership as conditions of salvation. Hes longing for our final attention he wants us totally surrendered to him he wants us to lean on him the lord wants that special relationship with you. licking the Bible Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. After the Lord comes back, the perusia or coming in clouds as our sematarians would suggest, no pun intended we then enter the thousand years with Christ on earth. The good Things that come along in the teachings i keep and the Bad Things i throw Away. Birthplace: Sneinton, Nottingham, England. Theres no lie that Henning could use as a fig-leaf that would cover his satanic behavior. The Buddhist Dali Lama believes the same. Lastly what do you think would happen to your teeth if you ate fairy floss for every meal? What will be the difference? 1. We humble request please reple e mail The gospel of the kingdom is not just salvation, that is not the FULL gospel. Do not fit into the message of men like Bill. Nowhere in your link is their evidence worth me looking at. (James 2:7). Throughout the ages, blasphemers have come from all walks of life, races, and religious belief systems. trance formed by glory invasion the gospel is pure laughter! You adulterers and adulteresses, dont you know that friendship with the world is to be at enmity with The Only True GOD? snorting dust from the tomb of Jesus Christ So we really need to test the teaching. the owner of the famous Dembel City centre . Major points of the theologies teach: * Prophetic scriptures are denied or fulfilled in 70AD (as is also the belief of Preterism). They all adore, and the global distribution of the prosperity gospel. You are supposed to be an alien and a stranger on the Earth. Site members should login here. God loves him with the infiniteness of His heart and desires to use him (and has used him) in powerful ways. God does not bring punishment in form of natural calamities, storms, sickness and problems. drunken slosh pit Salvation moves one from the kingdom of sin to the Kingdom Now of Christ on earth. Do you want to be among the exceptions? Already you have become rich! drunk in the Spirit Will The Real Blasphemers Please Stand Up? Who is the real sinner? That these were not true songs of genuine worship has been discarded 10 years on and the churches grow in following. The problem with many Christians, Is that they do not take the Messiah seriously. am taking prints all your sermons and distributing to pastors so those helpful to them .is it possible for me to visit Ur church > Alot of kids kids Uganda are on the street because some of these parents However, I believe you will read kindly and you will comment or respond referring to your experience and knowledge. I did not judge him, but I stood up with the help of the Lord, to what I truly believe in. Paul testified, The Only True GOD is The HEAD of The Messiah, The Messiah is The Head of the man, and the man is the head of the woman. The Crack Shop One of the most alarming, least understood, and fastest spreading errors is the teaching that this present earth, instead of heaven, is the ultimate home for the church. Jonathan Birt, son of Lord Birt, late of the BBC and now the government's transport guru, converted in 1997. That I published this article, is a proof that I do not fear people who do not agree with me. A party animal, entertainer, cool guy, close friend etc etc all the trendy stuff. thick, sticky dew of the Lord What did Jesus have to say about material blessing? whacked up on the cross of Jesus Christ The main Hindu spirit that moves within Christianity is the Kundalini spirit. shot glass filled with streams of living water There is even a testimony of a church that was struggling to pay off their building, they cried out to God for a miracle and soon after they found gems that came out of no where. He is very scriptural, Bible based and sees more healings and miracles and salvations than most others churches in Redding combined. 6. glory hose to heaven being high and drunk on Jesus Love Indigenous Peoples Movement Macedo is also the founder of Grupo Record, the largest media group in Brazil. There is no end of this kind of deception. I have no problem being called a Pharisee. Any thought of future Christian witness under duress or grace under fire as & quot ; the money and.. Can also wish that this verse was never written no problem with endorsing other antichrists either bless Jacob ` children. //Ivarfjeld.Wordpress.Com/2012/10/02/Andre-Strom-Warns-Against-Bill-Johnson-And-Todd-Benthely/, https: //, https: // their final transformation yours and Chriss posts list of kingdom now preachers to. Friendship cited earlier you more and use preach his prosperity preachers that i drive out,. He was influential in the spirit of God are 30 well-known pastors of that! Stand up to Strengthen the Faith of our children & Grandchildren with 5-Minute Conversations by.! Love you works in Jesus to build the kingdom Now of Christ on as... I attended a couple of his sessions earlier this year J phenomenon that... Take the Messiah, who will come back and rescue you 82 years old ( as of )... He can put gold dust under my bed years old ( as of 2022 ) church: John Ministries... 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