The resident who took my door was on the 3rd or 4th floor of Hoover and I would guess its still there. Residents have reported hearing basketballs being dribbled, laughing, and talking in the hallways, especially in the arch that connects Washington and Read Hall. Not sure if he had dreamed the whole incident, he went to talk with his RA. In showing the door to others that evening, I looked at the back of the door. Not to mention the entire complex to me wreaked like death! That is a lot of haunted places for one campus, earning it an appearance on the TV show Scariest Places on Earth, but standing high amongst them all is the dormitory called Wilson Hall, in particular one of its rooms. Customer #1: "It's a bowl, and it's this big." *Gestures a tiny amount*. Not only are these buildings steeped in history, but some are also said to still "host" visitors from the past. The place was established in 1804, a year after the statehood. Thinking it weird rather than scary, I showed it to my friend and other residents. By the time a student graduates, its almost certain that they will have had a paranormal experience or two while living on campus. . There is also a rumor that there is an ancient Indian burial ground nearby, because why not? Now we all checked, and all of our alarms were not set for 3:00 in the afternoon or 10:00 at night, but for sometime in the morning. Most of the Wilson Hall hauntings seem to be centered on the fourth floor. Today, this complex, called the Ridges, is part of Ohio University, but these historic buildings once housed the Athens Lunatic Asylum. Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:14:18 -0400. The hall rotated between a men's and women's dorm for most of its existence. I lived in Wilson Hall for two years in the late 70s. Although different dorms serve as the setting, the stories reported are sometimes the same, although . I remember my mom telling me that once she was in a room and she felt very uncomfortable. One correction, the University of Pittsburgh is actually the oldest institution of higher education west of the Appalachians. I felt like I could float anywhere in the room. As he described his visitor, and the clothing she was wearing, the RA began to become alarmed, trying to hide her room marked the exact spot where Laura had landed exactly one year before. Its no secret that Ohio University is known for its famous Halloween block party every year. Ohio University. For a class in 1974 myself and 2 other students spent time in the five known graveyards. The student was also rumored to have repeatedly attempted to contact the dead and that she often dabbled in sorcery practices. We've all heard the horror stories of moldy showers, broken air conditioners, and haunted dorms, so here is the quick guide of the best (and worst) places to live on Ohio University's main campus. The building is apparently located in the middle of an immense pentagram consisting of five cemeteries situated in the region. The haunted Ohio ghost town of Athens is one of the most popular places in all of the state when it comes to paranormal activity. Best wishes to you and a happy Halloween! Taking the Fresh m an on a Haunted Ohio State Tour. Tucked away in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, this little community is said to be one of the areas that sports many spirits and haunted folklore. All in all, I love living in Wilson and it is always a good conversation starter with people who know it as the most haunted place on the most haunted campus in the United States. To get to the room, you would get off the elevator, turn left, go into the mod and go straight ahead. Spiritualists claim that the building is located at the center of a pentagram formed by five such ancient cemeteries, lending this geographical position extra powers of either safety or evil. If so, then the line of people wanting to live in Wilson hall must be getting rather long, lets just hope the spirits dont decide to look for a new place to roam. There are many rumors surrounding Wilson Hall and the paran. Tell Katie by emailing her at The number of allegedly haunted places on the site is quite impressive and they are added to the numerous legends regarding Athens county. The area in and around Athens is sad to be one of the most haunted places in the country. The location itself checks off nearly every horror movie cliche. We were told we had a ghost on the first floor where I lived that hated any music by Bob Marley, who just happened to be one of my favorites at the time. She then jumped from the window and died. The Ohio University in Athens, Ohio is perhaps the most haunted campus in the world. I moved out during winter break and never turned back. The center is extremely important and its no wonder that Wilson Hall resides in the middle of thiscemetery pentagram. Many happy memories of my time there. Athens, Ohio. West Green (Ohio University) Nearly all of Ohio University's buildings on the West Green are said to be haunted because they were allegedly built on top of an Indian burial ground. Upon checking, the cord was unplugged from the wall. While walking around upstairs they came across a room that as far as they knew was unused, but the door was wide open. Mystery of The Poveglia - World's Most Haunted Island? but while i was at the ridges i am fairly certain i felt something touch me. Although different dorms serve as the setting, the stories reported are sometimes the same, although there are always exceptions. the handles are sawed off like that to prevent students from getting into the laboratory section of the building. My body and floated around the room. It is said that after a . My door was hinged on the right hand side. The dorm is allegedly so haunted that the university sealed off room 428 from students. the story we were told was the one girl killed herself but the next quarter another girl in the same room also killed herself. My sister and her boyfriend go to Ohio university and her boyfriends room is in Wilson hall. Another resident offered to switch doors with me and we did so. Ohio University. Are the tales real that a girl died here, and if so was her mind possibly infected by malevolent forces that continue to gravitate towards that room for reasons we may never understand? It is the building that most people point to when speaking about haunted Athens, Ohio. . After a shooting occurred in 1959, the building became known as one of the most haunted buildings on campus. Wilson Hall The Haunted Place In Ohio University, The Most Secretive Place On Earth Revealed, The Creepy Tales Of The Haunted Parallel Forest In Lawton,, Largest And Oldest Building Of South Africa Is Said To Be. Many past and current students enjoy sharing their own personal paranormal encounters at OU. What are your thoughts? Top 10 Most Haunted Colleges in America. As freshmen, were the last to pick for scheduling and housing, but I was able to choose sooner thanothersby living in a learning-community designated dorm. On the inside theres a weird drawing engraved in the wood of a face just kind of snarling at you with it eyes wide open. Any college worth its salt has a ghost story or two - it's a long-standing part of college lore. One resident has said of the buildings haunted reputation and her thoughts on it: As someone who lives in Wilson Hall I have yet to experience any of these phenomena's but that is not to say that they don't happen. Wilson Hall itself rests on a cemetery but the history of the area isn't clear if it was Native American or those from the Athens Mental Institute. My cousin goes to OU and he says that in the middle of the night his fire alarm makes a sound that fire alarms doesnt make. I screamed at the top of my lunges. Were there any scary episodes in this room? Subject: Haunted Athens Cal Poly State University - San Luis Obispo, California State University - Los Angeles, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, California State University, Channel Islands, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Federal University Of Agriculture Abeokuta, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico San German campus, Keiser University - Latin American Campus, London School of Economics and Political Science, California State University of Sacramento, Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, The University of Texas of the Permian Basin, University of North Carolina - Wilmington, University of South Florida - St. Petersburg, William Paterson University of New Jersey, I Cant Stop Laughing At These Borg Names, Add These Books About Black Joy To Your TBR ASAP. Oftentimes, I found myself waking up early in the morning with both my sheets and comforter having been completely pulled off onto the floor. Today, residents of Wilson Hall still report seeing objects fly across rooms, doors slamming shut, lights flickering, disembodied voices and footsteps. Denison University Chamberlain Lodge - The southwest dorm room on the second floor (technically the 5th floor) of this building is haunted. When I went OU I worked for the telecommunications department and we used to go into this room all the time. Configuration: Singles . Just beyond the Hocking River that surrounds campus, an eerie building sits atop a high hill, renamed as The Ridges in 1984. It has also been reported that the room holds an incredibly potent feeling of despair and dread that is almost palpable in its intensity and has caused some people to panic and run from the room in fright. Students saw objects flying in the room and smashing against the walls. Ohio University (Athens, OH) Residents of Jefferson Hall in 1996 found more than they bargained for one day when they decided to go looking around their dorm. Especially aftermy personal experience afterliving in a room thats so haunted that its unlivable,Im convinced that Ohio University is one of the most haunted campuses in America. Mailing Address: [Student Name] 34 S. College St., Room #. When she's not writing, she loves to paint, hammock with friends and take care of her plants. She supposedly became very withdrawn and began obsessively studying the occult, becoming so absorbed that it affected her school studies and social life. Or is this just a good dose of spooky urban legend and local lore? After getting an RA to unlock my door I grabbed my keys and tried locking it from the inside and stepping out but closing the door automatically unlocks it. I think the university made the room off limits to make people stop asking about the room, but it seems the opposite has happened. When they returned to where they had seen the woman, the door was not only closed, but locked as well with no signs of anyone having been there. Can you tell me what floor and room number your room was? Legend says the spirit of David Tishman, an Ohio University student killed in a car accident in 1970, was contacted during a seance at the cemetery. Each of them shattered.. I hope you read this and respondits neat weve had these odd experiences in common even though decades apart! It is said that the girl made use of the rooms energy to practice a method where the human spirit travels on its own after separating from the body. I lived in Wilson in the late 70s when it became a co ed dorm. I will be staying in room 376 and if it is true I really am hoping to experience something. Overcrowding, inhumane practices and patient deaths eventually shut the center down. . About the Author: After touring 60 of the best colleges in Ohio, Dr. Jay, a prior faculty member and dean, founded College Bound Advantage (CBA) - a Columbus, Ohio college consulting firm. Room No. I was relaxing in my room with my roommate, and our only two mirrors flew off the wall, Jakubec said. Even if I have to pay admission or go on some cheesy guided tour. And other strange phenomena such as the face of a demon showing up in the wood grain on a dorm room door, where a girl believed to be possessed killed herself. Has anyone experienced anything creepy around room 428 yet this year? The Ohio State University is actually one of the most haunted sites in the state of Ohio. The door to the room was sealed after students reported of ghost sightings at that place. 7 Most Haunted Dorms Throughout The Country That Will Keep You Up At Night. Also on that floor, alarm clocks would go off at odd times of the day in many rooms at once. According to the lore, a female student once lived in room 428, but that one day her behavior started to get very odd indeed. This technique is known as astral projection. The area in and around Athens is sad to be one of the most haunted places in the country. It really didnt disturb me until I saw the additional images on the inside of the door, especially the snarling face. However, there is no recorded connection between Tishman and the cemetery. It is also where the haunted dorm Wilson Hall is, which was explored on the show Scariest Places on Earth in an episode titled Satans Dormitory.. More sinister reports are that demonic faces would appear in reflective surfaces or even within the woodwork only to vanish again, or that blood will sometimes drip from the ceiling or walls. I had a desk that was right next to my bed and where my head was, is where the drawer was near. The resident tired to assure her that it was OK, but she wasnt listening to him, almost as if she wasnt even aware of him. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Sitting in the center, the Wilson Hall therefore becomes the most haunted place on the campus. I am going to live on the fourth floor of Wilson next year. These legends range from sightings of the ghosts of students who had died in The Convo to the sounds of bouncing basketballs and footsteps coming from Washington Hall, where students believe a girls' basketball team haunts the building after being killed in a bus accident. He died in room 428 and years after that students residing in that room have said to hear strange sounds and hear footsteps as well as witnessing several objects moving by themselves on their own. (Being a closet door, I had never opened it wide enough or at an angle to look at its back.) It is said that the girl made use of the rooms energy to practice a method where the human spirit travels on its own after separating from the body. Located in Athens, Ohio, in the United States is the historical Ohio University. Located in Athens, Ohio, in the United States is the historical Ohio University. Orton leaves behind many legacies, including the Orton Geological Museum. I live on the fourth floor this year and my first morning I woke up early to take my contacts out that I had slept in and went back to my room being locked. Strange voices were also heard. Wilson Hall, a residence hall in Ohio University is considered to be haunted. Subscribe Today! The pentagram myth has not been demonstrated in the case of Wilson Hall. I also first noticed what was on the closet door while I was talking on the phone too. Your email address will not be published. Clark supposedly haunted Pomerene and banged on the walls and slammed doors, but following Pomerene's renovation, maybe the spirit has moved on. The door of the room would open and close on its own. I've had a hundred of these things, and I've never had one live more than a week or two I must say, I am a bit skeptical when it comes to the paranormal, so I wasnt really looking for anything. Similar stories or thoughts welcome @ Well, that's our final Ohio college ghost story for this year. Ohio University was one of the places presented in a FOX episode of the series Scariest Places on Earth. At this point, the coincidence of three evil-connoted images was disturbing enough that I wanted the door out of my room. All of the sudden I hear my drawer in my desk slide open slowly and then SLAMMED shut. Theres really no image that I cant see but its still weird either way. Opening a year after the state of Ohio was established in 1804, it's . Before coming to campus,students hearabout the supposed hauntings, especially inthe old Athens Lunatic Asylum (now called The Ridges), the haunted dormsand cemeteries. Poltergeist activity is also supposedly very intense here, with objects thrown across the room with great force or unseen hands that will poke and prod, and of course there have been many reports of seeing the apparition of the dead student herself lurking in the shadows. Well according the video i just watched on here where the guy is giving a night tour so to speak he says that room 428 is no longer a dorm room that its now a boiler room and he took the people into that room and showed them where they took the wall down that the girl who had committed suicide had written in her own blood different things on the wall and told about the situation. Ohio University's very own residence hall, Wilson hall, is considered the most haunted on campus. loosing stuff, getting hurt, falling classes, etc. It is perhaps this long history that has contributed to it becoming known as one of the most haunted university campuses in the world, with numerous locations on campus said to harbor ghosts and specters, such as Jefferson Hall, Washington Hall, Bush Hall, Shively Hall, Perkins Hall, Voigt Hall, Crawford Hall, Cutler Hall, the Convocation Center, College Green, Lin Hall, the Brown House, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, and a building that was once a State mental asylum, now a patch of ruins called The Ridges. Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, is no stranger to ghosts. She entered the room, and calmly sat next to the resident on the bed. These patients often were given unethical treatment, such as forced labor, electroshock, hydrotherapy, hysterectomies, psychotropic drugs and lobotomies. Thanks for sharing! also, in the scariest places on earth episode the man said she had touched the stain at the ridges and the spirit followed her back to her dorm, she went mad and committed suicide. jk I would never go there in my life. Your email address will not be published. See the Site Index for a complete list of articles available on this website. From: Joseph Armstrong ( 5 Flagler College. South Green Armbruster, Atkinson, Dougan, Ewing, Fenzel . In her free time, she writes for her personal blog: Athens, OH. Athens, OH 45701-2906. West Green has been rumored to be built on top of a Native American burial ground, where students have reported hearing the sounds of a river that once ran through the property and the chanting of Native Americans. Within the first week, though, I woke up to find scratches on my body, including actual broken skin on my shoulder. 428 of the Wilson Hall on the west Green is locked. 1. Those who lived around me have also had similarstrange occurances. Was your mom a student at Ohio University? . My grandfathers construction company built this building, Your email address will not be published. I feel like I bunked in this same room, if u see the comment I posted above I believe this demon in the wood grain of the closet as well as my earlier evening experience was part of the reason I pulled the covers over my head! Copyright 2023 Bosa Blog Dark. I lost my wallet, broke a monitor for my computer, another two guys came down with mono, another lost his wallet. . Medical. Voigt Hall Floor Plans. All kinds of rough stuff. I lived in Johnson Hall on the East Green and even over there and along the Hocking River you could feel how thin the veil was. Please reach out to for more information. Demon-like faces would appear in the wood grain of the door. Top 5. But this night as I was sleeping I heard noises and I was sort of awakened but not all the way. Thanks! A pentagram is a five pointed star that is a religious symbol, and is either interpreted as a safe place, or a place of evil. Troubled spirits seem to have relished their stay in the university grounds and buildings. This history of the haunted Athens does give us a sense of togetherness with our fellow OU students. the government took me away until I was 5 1/2 years old. You can also makeout a strong torso but I couldnt see the hooves you described. It was normal to be sleeping and hear doors slam in the hallway. The woman died. The pentagram myth has not been demonstrated in the case of Wilson Hall. Many students report strange and unexplained happenings in the dorms in which they live on. They discovered that Wilson Hall is built on the same location as the original site of an early cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. Besides those five, there are about 20 more smaller family graveyards scattered in the hills north of the school. All was fun until one day when the stereo performed its usual tricks when there was no one else in the room!! She spoke, saying, Im sorry, Ive woken you. Powered by, on Wilson Hall Room 428 (Ohio University). Established in 1804 and first opened to. This was room 227. It had well-defined eyes, horns, and a mouth with a snarling expression. Still everyone did and still does have fun with it. The residents later said that she looked like an elementary school teacher. Haunted Colleges and Universities Majoring in the Business of Sports Colleges to Prepare for a Career in Education . After her death, the room was closed and no one was allowed to stay there. It is the building that most people point to when speaking about haunted Athens, Ohio. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. Located in Athens, Ohio, in the United States is the historical Ohio University. Like I said, it was taken by someone on the 3rd or 4th floor of Hoover. Experts say that any five points can be united on a map in the form of a pentagram. we never did find it, not even when we moved out, and all the windows and doors were shut and locked at the time. I need to get some people to help me get into some of these buildings. Bryan Hall was built in 1948 and named after Elmer Burnitt Bryan, Ohio University's 11th President. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! Wilson Hall is the most famous haunted place on the campus. Location: East Green. I would run out and see there was no conversations, nothing. When I first glanced at it I was just kind of like thats weird until I started REALLY looking at it and noticed what it was. There was also a color differentiation along the outline, but it wasnt a solidly filled-in figure. However, it was not just a place where students lived. I was wondering if you still live in Wilson, and if its possible to get an interview with you? It's well documented that Ohio University is perhaps one of the most haunted places in the world. Theres really nothing else I could makeout about it. The mental institution was in operation then and students could live there for a quarter if they wanted to when studying psychology. The following Spring of 94, residents began experiencing problems; lights would turn on and off by themselves, items would disappear and reappear several days later, then things got worse. I found out that Washington Hallopened in 1955, was named after President George Washingtonand that it was supposedly haunted by an entire womens basketball team. The Spiritualist claims that the spot is good for conducting psychic energy because of its geography. The legs and tail image was on the left side in the central part of the door. I lived in a single room in Wilson Hall on the same end of the hallway as 428 in 1984. Some have reported there are many anomalous noises such as disembodied voices, footsteps when no one else is there, heavy breathing, whispering, growls, or other less definable bangs and thuds. She lost her balance and fell to her death. Required fields are marked *. Since these occurences the room has been closed off and was not given to any new students again. Wilson Hall itself, named in the honor of the late faculty member Hiram Roy Wilson, is actually a rather new building, erected in 1965 and not nearly as old as much of the campus around it, yet it has nevertheless managed to attract quite the impressive reputation as being incredibly haunted, with all sorts of urban legends congregating around it over the years. I had a girlfriend who lived on the 4th floor of Wilson my freshman year at OU in 1998. Location: Athens, Ohio; Most haunted spot: Wilson Hall; Reader's Digest characterizes Ohio University as "the only university with a room that's been permanently sealed off because of a . The school officials have proclaimed the room uninhabitable. Wilson Hall, also known as The Pines, was a dormitory building on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.Built in 1926 and known before 1986 as "The Pines," The building was originally an annex to a sanatorium known as The Oxford Retreat, and was sold to the university in 1936 for use as a women's dorm. Going into move-in day, Iexpected some strange things to happen, but not anything too bizarre. Mailing Address: [Student Name] 34 University Terrace, Room # Athens, OH 45701-2913. At an angle to look at its back. area in and around Athens is to! Was no conversations, nothing my friend ohio university haunted dorm other residents Mental Institute run out and see there was no,. 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